What would your plan be in a zombie apocalypse?

2013-12-23 5:44 am
I would gather freinds and family and fortify a mall. You can live in a mall for years and never have to leave

回答 (11)

2013-12-23 5:45 am
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Malls aren't safe haven't you ever played dead rising ?
2013-12-23 1:47 pm
Stay indoors, barricade the doors, watch news reports on TV.

I'd totally be zombait. I would not live long.
2013-12-23 1:46 pm
After extensive research on the foremost authority on zombie apocalypse survival, the Resident Evil videogames, it can be determined that zombies will never be in the same room as a big box and a typewriter. I have such a room in my home. I'll stay there, and bring both the big box and the typewriter with me wherever I go when I need to go out for supplies.
2013-12-23 1:46 pm
I would do that or live in a sams club or Costco with friends and family
2013-12-23 1:46 pm
have you ever seen DOTD? NEVER GO IN MALLS. Anyway, I would gather family, find a hardware shop and get some hatchets. Silent, but deadly. Next, I'd go to a forest like where the survivors in S1 of TWD went to. Then wait for a cure.
2013-12-23 1:45 pm
It's averaging -20C here, so I'm totally fine if a zombie apocalypse happened...

Their blood would just freeze haha.

Probably watching the news, shocked about the billions infected/dying/etc while I eat my popcorn.

Also I would go out and get my little pocket knife and stab the few frozen zombies frozen in their place along with the rest of the city. Then probably move somewhere really cold and isolated before it warms up here.
2013-12-23 3:56 pm
Gather up everyone in the neighbourhood and fortify the school across the street from where I live. :)
2013-12-23 2:10 pm
Zombie isn't real.
2013-12-23 1:57 pm
live in a walled town like Woodbury.
2013-12-23 1:53 pm
Lock everything, call friends and family , then surf the web. If it comes to the worst, I will jump off a cliff.

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