Is there any way I can make my eyes more beautiful?

2013-12-22 10:21 am
Hi, in year 7, 8 and 9 I used to get picked on for having small eyes. Used to get called 'Chinese eyes' 'animal eyes' 'black eyes' stuff like that. It was so horrible, I was never self consious about my eyes until I moved to secondary school. I still am self consious, is there anything I can do to make my eyes bigger or look bigger. I'm 14 and my eyes are brown.

回答 (9)

2013-12-22 3:51 pm
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do not change it in some permanent way. every person's eyes is beautiful (:
if you want them to look bigger try applying some makeup.

-minimise dark circles around the eyes by applying foundation or concealer.
at night before sleeping you can also apply an ice pack there.

-brush your eyelashes with a mascara

-apply a pale colour of eyeshadow. i would suggest pale pink for school or blue grey.

- trace a thin line of eyeliner just above the eyrlashes. be careful and take your time for this step.

- also you can take the eyeliner itself and apply some on your eyebrows to make it darker. thats one of my favorite techniques.

and lo! people will keep looking at your eyes (:
2013-12-22 6:23 pm
You are beautiful the way you are. Do not try to change your body to please other people. <3
2013-12-22 6:23 pm
I bet your eyes are very beautiful. Leave them the way they are.
參考: Those people are immature idiots
2013-12-22 7:38 pm
You don't need to change yourself because of those people. They were just picking n you because they were jealous. Stay true to what you believe. Never let go of your principles and let others who do not care for you bring you down. Show them you are better than what they are. Nothing can bring you down. You are a lion at heart!
2013-12-22 6:32 pm
The way I picture your's beautiful. Either you can make it your insecurity or you choose to stop listening to the people who will never know how to appreciate a different kind of beauty
2013-12-24 6:03 am
Beauty is a very subjective concepts. Like the chinese eyes, some guys just fancy those small chinese eyes.

All u can do is just to be confident and u will be shinning ^__^
2013-12-23 3:42 am
Rub small amounts of vaseline into your fingers and rub them into your eyelashes. Keep the rest of your face clean to make your eyes look bigger.

If you don't have vaseline, lotion should work fine (again, VERY SMALL AMOUNTS!)
2013-12-22 11:54 pm
Yes, there are lots of things you can do to make them bigger. If you mean plastic surgery, there's a type of surgery called "epicanthoplasty" and "magic epicanthoplasty" and "blepharoplasty". The surgery is popular in Asia, where a lot of Asian people suffer from small eyes. It opens your eyes more and makes them big and beautiful. Here's a website:

Though I should add, that I too, was your age once. A teenager. A time for many insecurities... so I recommend that you wait until you're an adult after your body has finished changing physically and mentally (with all those hormones going around). After you've transformed into a blossoming, young woman, then I think you should re-evaluate how you feel about yourself. You might find your small eyes perfectly attractive and beautiful the way they are... or not. In any case, it is wiser to wait when you're still changing and growing.
2013-12-22 6:32 pm
Is that by birth or due to insufficient sleep ?

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