What is Lcci

2013-12-22 10:48 pm
What is the difference of Lcci level I – IV ?
I want to take Lcci exam
but I don't really know what topic will them include

For level I , I know that will include BAFS topics in the secondary (S.4- S.5)
Also what is Club and society accounts?

But for level II , it will include
partnership .
limited company
Incomplete record
Manifesting accounting
error and
but other topics they don't include in the BAFS so what can I do (Stocks , prepare of non-trading organization , Branch account , bills of exchange , consignment ,

And how can I take Lcci Level III and IV exam?

Also I want to know more about this exam
Where can I take
It has any connection with AAT?
$ ?

回答 (2)

2013-12-23 1:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
LCCI Syllabus請到英國LCCI網頁用qualification search找, 抱歉這裡不能貼LCCI網址, 一貼必刪帖, 試過幾次都是.

Club & society accounts做法其實同一般公司accounts差不多, 比較煩的是subscription fee及有些名稱會同公司account不同, 如accumulated fund即係capital, surplus即係profit, deficit即係loss等等. Income & Expenditure即係Profit & Loss/Statement of comprehensive income...

有些topic如果BAFS無就要你自習, 自己買書自修或者上補習班.

Level IV其實無必要take, 因為level 4比1-3更少人修讀, 所以報名時無得選擇去香港或九龍考又唔係每季都有得考, 而且你搵工level 2/3就夠. Level 3你自修或者搵course讀, 香港大把商科學校(如: 香港X專)或者學習中心(如工X會)有得學.

LCCI可以選擇學校幫你代報或自修生身份報. 報讀課程前要留意學校會否幫學生代報考試. 自修生就要到LCCI香港區網站(又是自行GOOGLE, 這裡貼過已刪貼, 投訴完又唔理.)找表格, 每年4, 6及11月有考試, 考試前5個月接受報名.

以2014年自修生價格計, level 1 $510, level 2 $615, level 3 $700.

LCCI不論LEVEL 1-4, 考到乜成績, 現時不可豁免AAT任何卷.

2013-12-24 07:04:37 補充:

2013-12-24 19:12:58 補充:
1. 睇你考乜level, 每個level作答時間、要答題數目及可選題目數量不同. level 3係三小時從五條題目中任選4條題目答.

會計每一課都有關連 佢考你做P/L, B/S, 即係意味你識點編製trial balance, 識點做depreciation, final a/c adj.等等, 一條題目大把其他課細野可以考你.

AAT有8份卷要考, 你淨係講paper 1都唔只9題. 第一部分有15條MC, 第二及第三部分都係答五條或以下.

2. LCCI因為顧及其他要上日校/上班人士, 所以無早場考.
2013-12-26 9:14 am
我有齊哂Past Paper.
Email me : [email protected]

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