AL 轉制學生, 想找學校重讀中四或中五
本人是歷屆 CE 和 AL 考生, CE 分數是 24 而 AL 是 all pass (算是夠分升大學的), 惟當時因家庭理由未能唸大學, 故沒有重考或是報 JUPAS.
最近本人已把家裡問題處理好, 而本人希望由中四或者中五開始重讀, 以考取 DSE 資格和繼續升學. (本人已不會考慮其他升學途經了)
唯本人不很清楚本港的津貼學校現時收取轉制重讀生的情況, 不知道, 如本現在找學校重讀的話, 還需要取錄紙嗎? 或是有沒有特別文件需要收取?
另外如果是到津貼學校重讀, 學費方面還會有資助嗎
請問大家對於本人去找學校方面, 又會否能給予一些建議嗎? 例如哪些學校會比較大機會收取這情況的學生, band 2 的機會大嗎?
回答 (2)
✔ 最佳答案
No offense - what you are thinking is simply impossible.
The main and only reason is since you have attain the education qualification, there is no way you can get back to school.
The only possibility is you enroll in a private school (but it does not seem it is something that you want).
So my suggestion is you should try to register HKDSE directly instead. As a fact, the material are the same. So if you can pass HKCEE and HKALE without issue, HKDSE should not be an issue to you.
收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:53:01
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