
2013-12-22 1:26 am
1.the curled iron plate at external wall has been fixed.

2.the loosen screws on the board for protection should also be fix.

3.You should provide photos when above problems were fixed.


4. kelly said that the waste papers and toys placed on the ground level at garden were placed back on the living room and removed. 仲有呢句THX!

回答 (2)

2013-12-22 7:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
英文句子有冇錯 你D英文句子表面有D 錯處,要 改一改 。1. The curled iron plate at external wall has been fixed.
The curled iron plate on the external wall has been fixed.
2. The loosen screws on the board for protection should also be fix.
The loose/loosened screws on the board for protection should also be fixed.
3. You should provide photos when above problems were fixed.
You should provide photos to show when the above problems were fixed.
4. Kelly said that the waste papers and toys placed on the ground level at garden were placed back on the living room and removed.
Kelly said that the waste papers and toys placed in the garden at the ground level were placed back in the living room and then removed .
呢句可以簡單D重寫,Kelly said that the waste papers and toys in the ground level garden were returned to the living room and then removed.

2013-12-22 4:01 am
(1)has been fixed=(passive ,past perfect tense,correct, means positioned.)
(2)should be fix(ed)=(passive,past perfect tense,correct,means remained as before.)
(3)were fixed=past participle,passive means lasted.
---should provide=auxiliary verb
(4)Kelly said that the waste papers and toys placed on the ground level at garden were ( Removed and Placed back) on the living room.
----It means the toys were removed and placed back on the living room.
----verb must follow its antecedent going before.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 13:02:04
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