Poll: “Do you prefer "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"....?

2013-12-21 2:34 am
Happy morning..:D

回答 (41)

2013-12-21 3:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Merry Christmas", "Happy Christmas", etc;

Good morning to you too;
2013-12-21 2:36 am
I don't care! If someone wishes me a good thing I am pleased and I smile and return the favor. Where I live we have people from everywhere and I have also received good wishes for Diwali and Ramadan. And I smiled and said 'Thanks, I hope yours is great too.'
2013-12-21 2:34 am
Merry Christmas
2013-12-21 2:34 am
Merry Christmas!
2013-12-21 2:35 am
Merry Christmas.
2013-12-21 6:08 am
unfortunately there happens to be only study holidays for me this year so Merry christmas!
2013-12-21 3:55 am
merry Christmas!
2013-12-21 3:44 am
Merry Christmas
2013-12-21 2:42 am
Merry Christmas :)
2013-12-21 2:42 am
merry christmas
2013-12-21 2:37 am
Merry Christmas
2013-12-21 2:36 am
Merry Christmas.
2013-12-21 2:36 am
Merry Christmas. It's so nice!
2013-12-21 2:35 am
merry christmas
2013-12-22 12:05 pm
I like both
2013-12-22 7:03 am
"Merry Christmas" .......................
2013-12-21 5:55 pm
Merry Christmas
2013-12-21 3:47 pm
Happy morning? Infinitheism? NicE :)
Merry christmas cuz holidays are boring! No friends, no hanging out, no decisions to make, no challenges, no fun, no classes...
It's fun to bunk classes but holidays are not fun :D

HaPpY dAyS :)
2013-12-21 3:10 pm
Merry Christmas!
2013-12-21 1:14 pm
Happy holidays , because whatever the holiday is for our motto is to be enjoyment , so happy is right word .. . .
2013-12-21 12:03 pm
Merry Christmas
2013-12-21 10:41 am
Merry christmas
2013-12-21 7:38 am
Merry Christmas
參考: Me
2013-12-21 7:00 am
Merry Christmas
Good Morning :)
2013-12-21 5:03 am
Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays is not that offensive to me because its been around since the 1880s long before atheists began their War on Christmas. However Happy Holidays is used today to push Christmas out in many retail stores.
2013-12-21 2:37 am
Merry Christmas, I don't care about the other religions holidays.
2013-12-21 2:36 am
I guess it's more inclusive to say "Happy Holidays", but I still say "Merry Christmas".
2013-12-21 12:51 pm
"Merry Christmas"
2013-12-21 11:41 am
I prefer Merry Christmas. I don't respond to happy holidays
2013-12-21 2:38 am
i like them both.
2013-12-21 2:37 am
merry xmas to family to pretend to be Xian for them and happy holidays to others.
2013-12-21 2:43 am
I prefer saying "Happy Holidays", because I don't like offending people who do not follow Christianity.
2013-12-21 2:38 am
Happy Holidays. I usually say that because I know that not everyone celebrates Christmas.
2013-12-23 7:00 am
happy holidays
2013-12-21 6:21 am
"Happy Holidays"
2013-12-21 5:12 pm
happy fridays and saturdays every week
2013-12-21 5:11 pm
Happy Holidays :D
2013-12-21 5:35 am
Happy Holidays
2013-12-21 4:14 am
I prefer whatever the Hell doesn't offend you.
2013-12-21 2:39 am
Yippy Kwanza!
2013-12-21 5:29 am
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But i dont know gmail addresses only i know u,so u can help me i have already sent u to just activate my acc

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