why should i get my duaghter a dog?

2013-12-21 12:13 am
my daughter wants a puppy for Christmas. my husband said she was to young, she 13! she isn't really reasonable until December rolled around. why should I get her a puppy, im looking for a reason but cant find one! help!

回答 (14)

2013-12-21 12:18 am
She is a minor, she can't own the dog at all. It will legally belong to YOU and YOU will be the one who has to train it, pick up crap and pee, clean up after it and walk it and everything esle. And when she's bored of it you will end up getting rid of the dog

There is no reason to get her one at all

She won't take care of it and you need to tell her NO and stick to that.
2013-12-21 12:16 am
No, absolutely not. A dog isn't a "Christmas present" it's a long term commitment. If she isn't responsible, you are going to be stuck with taking care of the dog. I suggest waiting until she is older and learns what responsibility is all about.
2013-12-21 1:19 am
Puppies require a lot of time, patience, consistency, training and are expensive and if you are not prepared to do this then don't get one. As you will be the one doing all the work. Especially since she will be in school it's a 24/7, 365 day job for the next 10-15 years. Here's what it will cost:

2013-12-21 12:51 am
Keep in mind you will be the one house breaking the pup and cleaning up the mistakes in the house until trained. Who will poop scoop your yard? Teens say they'll do anything to get what they want but, once the blush falls from the rose, it the adults who will be scrapping the poo of the bottom of their shoes.
2013-12-21 2:28 am
" im looking for a reason but cant find one! "

There's your answer right there.

Your daughter will get bored with the puppy as soon as the novelty wears off, so YOU will end up taking care of it, and YOU will be paying about $1000 a year for that pleasure. Chances are high you'd just get rid of the dog within a few months' time and it would end up in a shelter.

If you and hubby don't want to raise a dog, don't get one.
2013-12-21 2:12 am
There's plenty of reasons why you *shouldn't* get her one. For one a 13 year old cannot take on the responsibilities of caring for a dog all by themselve. Unless *you* want to care for a dog, then don't get one. Plain and simple.
參考: Pet owner
2013-12-21 12:21 am
Ok, let me start off by saying that dogs are heaps of work and a huge commitment. They live for a long time and rely on you for love and attention and food etc.

Also, don't buy from a breeder. Breeders know all about dogs dying in pounds and animal rescues with their hands full, but keep breeding them. If you're getting a pup, don't get from a breeder, no matter what!

Animal rescues are the best, for example PAWS, Monika's Doggie Rescue (they're in Australia). Dog rescues are everywhere; you're sure to find one. They make sure that the dog you adopt matches you and is in perfect heath and give you lots of tips. Don't selfishly support breeders, adopt!

There are purebreds and pups in rescues and pounds. Really there are. Older dogs and mixed breeds are just as good and will bond with you just as well. I got my dog at age four from the pound, a Chihuahua, and she follows me everywhere and dotes on me. She's so grateful.

Your daughter is old enough to adopt a dog with you - I got my dog at age six.
參考: Own rescue pets, foster rescue pets, written pet books
2013-12-21 12:31 am
You shouldn't. She decided now to act responsible, sure, cause she is sucking up for a puppy! How long do you think that will last? No, she needs to show responsibility longer than a month! Maybe if she can keep up being responsible till next Christmas, you can revisit the idea then. This year? NO!
2013-12-21 12:20 am
You need to know that she is responsible. Go at a shelter near you, and ask them if she can take care of a dog for a day. Most shelters are happy to help; but not all. If not, borrow a friend's dog or babysit it. Make sure she picks up after him/her, feeds him/her etc. Don't get a puppy, get a 1year old or older dog 'cause she won't be able to potty train a puppy. Trust me.
2013-12-21 12:17 am
It will teach her responsibility . It will give her a great friend.

Best idea would be to take her to a animal shelter and pick out a dog that she bonds with.
It will turn out to be the best dog in the World for her.
2013-12-21 5:55 am
If you don't want to get a dog, don't get one. She can get one when she grows up and moves out. However, 13 is not too young. My brother had their dog before they had their first child. No age is too young although the very young need supervision. A 13 year old does not. However, you will be the owner, not the 13 year old so you have to want the dog. Don't buy one just for her. They are a big responsibility and expensive.
參考: Dog Owner & Breeder
2013-12-21 4:29 am
You shouldn't. Dogs make poor gifts. Also, the big question is do YOU want a dog. You knwo that your 13 year old child, will promise the world, but in the end, your going to nag her to do stuff. Nag to feed the dog, clean up after it, walk the dog.

So, the only reason to get a dog is if YOU want it and that you are aware, that YOU are going to end up with all the work.
2013-12-21 2:16 am
yes i think it would teach her to be responsible. and if shes been acting responsible then reward her. but warn her this is her responsibility. plus there are lots of dogs that need help out there!!!!
2013-12-21 12:40 am
A puppy would be a great idea for her! It would teach her to be reasonable. When you get the dog (you will)
Be sure to stress that if she doesn't take care of it, it goes. Also try to get a small dog but not one that is so needy that you can't leave it alone. I don't really know dog breeds that well but look up some different kinds until you find one that sutes your life style. Good luck!!!

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