smack down it's real or fake?

2013-12-20 2:02 pm
thanks for answer.

回答 (5)

2013-12-20 2:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Fake so people will continue to view!
2013-12-20 11:41 pm
fake,of course.
btw,hey i'm Malaysian too~
2013-12-20 10:11 pm
its fake in terms of being fixed, but in some of the leagues, they actually hit each other.
參考: me!
2013-12-20 10:08 pm
Its all pre staged and acted out. Google it, you can go to wrestling college to learn how to do the moves without hurting anyone
2013-12-20 10:02 pm
fake. bully beat down, fake.

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