i am in trouble please help?

2013-12-19 7:31 pm
I was in a rental car when the car in front of me stops suddenly and i couldnt slow down quick enough, our cars touched slight but the car behind me hit mine pretty hard, and the one behind it was totalled after collison. My rental insurance doesnt cover third party and the police think it was my fault for following too close. Does it mean i have to pay out of my pocket for every claim the other drivers have? What if i do not have enoug money at the moment? Please help

回答 (3)

2013-12-20 3:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
You're responsible for the damage from the first collision, where you rear ended the vehicle in front of you. The vehicle that rear-ended you, however, is responsible for that collision.

If you're found liable for loss or damage and don't have insurance (or enough insurance) to cover all the costs, then yes you have to pay it off yourself. People buy insurance so they don't have to take that risk themselves. If you didn't buy insurance, you accepted that responsibility personally.
2013-12-21 12:05 am
What makes you think you have to pay all the claims? It's the fault of the drivers that rear ended each car.
2013-12-20 6:22 am
It was your fault for following too close. That's why you hit the car in front of you that stopped suddenly. You are responsible for the first collision. The driver behind you is responsible for the second collision, and so on... You were all following too close or you had your heads up your you-know-whats.
2013-12-20 3:34 am
What- you were rear-ended not your fault the two doofuses behind you were following even more closely than you were - get your insurance agent involved and/or get a lawyer - the officer is messed up.

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