How do you get paint off a handle?

2013-12-19 6:32 pm
I have this old dresser that my grandma gave me, and I was going to do a DIY project with it. However, I noticed that she spray painted over the handles which originally had a gold finish on it. Is it a way I could get the paint off that wouldn't damage the handles, so the handles would have there original gold finish?

回答 (4)

2013-12-19 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can try a product called "Goof Off" which removes old paint--however, it might take off the older finish too. It's available at most hardware stores. Try a little on a non-visible place and see if the finish is removed with the paint. If the paint she used was oil-based, this product won't work--you'll need lacquer thinner or paint remover--and that will most certainly damage the old finish. You could buy new handles--in a finish you like--or get creative and buy something that would look nice with your finished dresser.
2013-12-20 4:42 am
by scratching with any solid or metal you can remove
2013-12-20 4:02 am
try your fingernail, or even elmers glue applied and dried to see if it comes off with it
2013-12-20 3:10 am
Hi - I would try nail polish remover or turpentine.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:00:46
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