phys pulley system

2013-12-20 7:46 am
Two blocks are connected by a light string that passes over a frictionless pulley. The system is released from rest while m2 is on the floor and m1 is a distance h above the floor.

Taking m1=6.5kg, m2=4.2kg, and h=3.2m, what is the speed of m1 just as it reaches the floor?

回答 (2)

2013-12-20 9:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Taking downward as +ve.

net force on m1 = +6.5g - 4.2g (+6.5g is the gravitational force; pointing downward. -4.2g is from the tension of the string; pointing upward.)

F = (m1)a

+6.5g - 4.2g = 2.3g = (m1)a = 6.5a

a = 2.3g/6.5

v²= u² + 2aS

v² = 0² + 2(2.3g/6.5)(3.2)

with g = 10

v² = 2(2.3×10/6.5)(3.2) = 22.65
v = 4.76 m/s

with g = 9.8

v² = 2(2.3×9.8/6.5)(3.2) = 22.19
v = 4.71 m/s
2013-12-21 8:21 am
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