
2013-12-20 7:19 am

fast food restaurant become more and more popular nowaday, i think one of it's remarkable advantage attracting people is the convenience. After made the order , we can get our food within several minutes owing to most of them have been cooked already. The steward just easily heat them up , and transmit to consumer. And the throughout procedure is simple and time-saved.
so I think it is very suitable for us as we being in the hustle and bustle city. Moreover, fast food generally cost cheap and affordable. When I was still in school, I always preferred to go to the Mcdonald at lunch time. It is because it can help me to save several coins a day , so that enable me to buy more favourite stuffs .

As we know ,many sports can help us stay fit, but i think the most effective one among them is running at least half an hour a day. for me, this not only good for health ,but also burn off my stress . it is because i usually put the headphone into my ears to enjoy the music during running, meanwhile i can get a moment to relax and throw away the trouble trivia temporarily. Sometime my friends will join me, we then disscuss about what anything else can do to enhance the keep-fit more effectively like the nutrition. I also made a maneu for my three meals to restrict the amount and type of food I take every day. Therefore i will ensured myself would not take exceed calories each day. Undoubtedly , do the appropriate exercise and maintain the balance diet are the most effective ways to keep us into a shape.

回答 (3)

2013-12-20 10:03 pm
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唔好意思要告訴你雖然你寫文的編排和內容都算理想,但是英文的用詞有太多用錯詞語表達(你想講的意思),而句法或寫法亦有點「以中譯英」的味道,句子的文法亦有多錯或不對。假如每字每句修改太難表達了,只能試按你的原意重寫一篇給你參考。你要自行找出寫法上有些是很細微的改動便是你的錯或不足位(紅色是明顯的錯/或你不認識的錯 – 其他)。 (1)The fast food restaurant has become more and more popular nowadays. I think one of its attractiveness is convenience. After ordering, we can get our food within several minutes owing to the fact that most of the food was cooked beforehand. The restaurant staff just heats them and delivers to the customer. The process is simple and time saving. So I think it is very suitable for people in a hustle and bustle city. Moreover, fast food generally cost less and is affordable. When I was still in school, I preferred McDonald’s for lunch. It helped me to save a few cents(dollars) a day, so as to enable me to buy stuffs that I like. (2)As we know, sports can help us stay fit; but I think the most effective one is running at least half an hour a day. For me, it is both good to my health and relief my stress. I put on a headphone to enjoy music while running to relax and temporarily forget about my troubles. Sometime my friends join me, we discuss things like how to get into shape more effectively, such as nutrition. I made a diet menu for my three meals to control the type of food and their amount I take every day. As a result, I will be sure I will not take on excessive calories (each day). With out a doubt(原字可以), having appropriate exercise and maintaining a balance diet are the most effective way to get into shape.[THE MOST是「最的」,所以永遠只是單數]
2013-12-21 1:00 pm
(1)Fast food restaurantshad become more and more popular nowadays. I think one ofthe advantages of attracting people is the convenience. After making the order, we can get our food within several minutes since they are cooked already. The steward just has to heat it up and distributeto the customer afterwards. The entire procedure is simple andtime-saving.So I think it is very suitable for us in this fast-pacing city. Moreover, fast food is more affordable than the regularrestaurants in general. When I was still in school, I always preferredto go to McDonald’sat lunch time. It wasbecause it could help me tosave some money on a daily basis which I could buy some other favourite stuffs instead. (2)Manysports can help us to stay healthy, but I think the most effective one is running at least for halfan hour a day. As for myself, it helps me to relieve my stress apartfrom staying healthy. I usually put onmy headphone to listen to music while I am running. This exercise helps me to relax and put mytrivial troubles aside for a while. Sometimes my friends will join me and we will discuss about what other optionswe have to keep healthy, e.g. nutrition. I also made up a menu of three meals to control my intake of caloriesand choose the right type of food to eat. With the combination of dietary habits and running exercises, itcertainly will balance my diet appropriately and it is the most effective wayto keep myself in great condition.

2013-12-21 05:19:22 補充:
2) As for myself, it helps me to relieve my stress on top of staying healthy.
2013-12-20 7:22 pm
Too many grammatical mistakes and errors.....

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