急!!!中文 翻譯英文

2013-12-19 9:02 am



回答 (9)

2013-12-19 10:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We participate in the creative marketing competition , decided to use the Green Ye Fenghua orchids orchid garden vendors , as the contest goods. GreenQing Ye Fenghua Orchids and orchid garden market in general orchids do not see any difference, and can not easily distinguish which are output from the Green Ye Fenghua Orchids garden . To this end, we designed LOGO trademarks, virtual spokesperson , as well as new packaging exclusive branded GreenQing Ye Fenghua Orchids garden . In order to highlight the brand and attract the attention of consumers , we have the basic information on the packaging manufacturer and India , as well as cultivation methods orchid species information , so that consumers can better understand the information they buy orchids .
To help promote the domestic manufacturers will orchid orchid market, so not only through broader marketing channels or traders , we conceived to Internet -based marketing channels, such as : Youtube, Facebook social networking sites , auction sites , such as increasing our orchids exposure , open and innovative Internet marketing market . Facebook is one of our major media, came right touch of orchids , orchid haunt capture , image, and marketing programs to create blue , with these activities to spread the brand message and attract the attention of new consumer groups .
By brand designed to allow consumers to see the LOGO with packaging , we can think of the GreenQing Ye Fenghua Orchids garden , orchids to enhance our visibility, increase consumer purchase intention for orchids bring another new face .
2014-02-06 8:21 pm


各式各樣的名器自慰套都有,價錢公道 品質好

所以你可以放心購買喔 非常的有保障

而且滿1000 免運費 多種運送方式,

2014-01-05 10:43 am
還是要去 http://aaashops。com 品質不錯,老婆很喜歡!
2013-12-24 1:09 am
We participate in the creative marketing competition , decided to use the Green Ye Fenghua orchids orchid garden vendors , as the contest goods. Green叶风华orchids and orchid garden market in general orchids do not see any difference, and can not easily distinguish which are output from the Green叶风华orchid garden . To this end, we designed LOGO trademarks, virtual spokesperson , as well as new packaging exclusive branded Green叶风华orchid orchid garden . In order to highlight the brand and attract the attention of consumers , we have the basic information on the packaging manufacturer and India , as well as cultivation methods orchid species information , so that consumers can better understand the information they buy orchids .
To help promote the domestic manufacturers will orchid orchid market, so not only through broader marketing channels or traders , we conceived to Internet -based marketing channels, such as : Youtube, Facebook social networking sites , auction sites , such as increasing our orchids exposure , open and innovative Internet marketing market . Facebook is one of our major media, came right touch of orchids , orchid haunt capture , image, and marketing programs to create blue , with these activities to spread the brand message and attract the attention of new consumer groups .
By brand designed to allow consumers to see the LOGO with packaging, we can think of the Green 叶风华 orchid garden, orchids to enhance our visibility, increase consumer purchase intention for orchids bring another new face.

2013-12-23 17:12:50 補充:
Ye Fenghua
2013-12-23 10:26 pm
We participate in the creative marketing competition , decided to use the Green Ye Fenghua orchids orchid garden vendors , as the contest goods. Green叶风华orchids and orchid garden market in general orchids do not see any difference, and can not easily distinguish which are output from the Green叶风华orchid garden . To this end, we designed LOGO trademarks, virtual spokesperson , as well as new packaging exclusive branded Green叶风华orchid orchid garden . In order to highlight the brand and attract the attention of consumers , we have the basic information on the packaging manufacturer and India , as well as cultivation methods orchid species information , so that consumers can better understand the information they buy orchids .
To help promote the domestic manufacturers will orchid orchid market, so not only through broader marketing channels or traders , we conceived to Internet -based marketing channels, such as : Youtube, Facebook social networking sites , auction sites , such as increasing our orchids exposure , open and innovative Internet marketing market . Facebook is one of our major media, came right touch of orchids , orchid haunt capture , image, and marketing programs to create blue , with these activities to spread the brand message and attract the attention of new consumer groups .
By brand designed to allow consumers to see the LOGO with packaging , we can think of the Green叶风华orchid garden , orchids to enhance our visibility, increase consumer purchase intention for orchids bring another new face .
2013-12-23 8:53 pm
It is our idea that we decide to choose orchid's blossom as the product of the splendidly green leafy garden company for participating the brand new device for sale's competition. If compared between our orchid and those sold in commom market, it is impossible to distinguish one from the other. In view of that all design of commercial logo is by ourselves so as to represent the splendidly green leafy garden company by adding newly decorated package. In order to attract and let consumers to see clearly about our products of which we shall provide more detailed information about, i.e. guides to basis, species, nursing and planting to be attached on the package.
In order to assist our company extending the trade of orchid to the markets within our country, it is not only appointing through wholesalers and trading companies but also considering made use of internet network services,i.e. Youtube, Facebook, Auction, etc.to raise the awareness of our orchid business and establishing a new marketing business. Regarding that, Facebook will be the priority of our transmitted media and that'll include the projects of such games i.e. making a guess, seek and find, exaggerating the image,etc; all of that activities enable us to advertise our trademark so as to attract more consumers' watching.
By the design of trademark, let all consumers to see our logo and package then they will remember the splendidly green leafy garden company and willing to buy our products because of being renowned for our orchid; and that'll lead our orchid into another new image.

參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation” published by Hongkong Oxford University Press in 1975
2013-12-22 12:09 am
We participate in the creative marketing competition , decided to use the Green Ye Fenghua orchids orchid garden vendors , as the contest goods. GreenQing Ye Fenghua Orchids and orchid garden market in general orchids do not see any difference, and can not easily distinguish which are output from the Green Ye Fenghua Orchids garden . To this end, we designed LOGO trademarks, virtual spokesperson , as well as new packaging exclusive branded GreenQing Ye Fenghua Orchids garden . In order to highlight the brand and attract the attention of consumers , we have the basic information on the packaging manufacturer and India , as well as cultivation methods orchid species information , so that consumers can better understand the information they buy orchids .
To help promote the domestic manufacturers will orchid orchid market, so not only through broader marketing channels or traders , we conceived to Internet -based marketing channels, such as : Youtube, Facebook social networking sites , auction sites , such as increasing our orchids exposure , open and innovative Internet marketing market . Facebook is one of our major media, came right touch of orchids , orchid haunt capture , image, and marketing programs to create blue , with these activities to spread the brand message and attract the attention of new consumer groups .
By brand designed to allow consumers to see the LOGO with packaging , we can think of the GreenQing Ye Fenghua Orchids garden , orchids to enhance our visibility, increase consumer purchase intention for orchids bring another new face .
2013-12-20 10:54 pm
We participate in the creative marketing competition , decided to use the Green Ye Fenghua orchids orchid garden vendors , as the contest goods. Green叶风华orchids and orchid garden market in general orchids do not see any difference, and can not easily distinguish which are output from the Green叶风华orchid garden . To this end, we designed LOGO trademarks, virtual spokesperson , as well as new packaging exclusive branded Green叶风华orchid orchid garden . In order to highlight the brand and attract the attention of consumers , we have the basic information on the packaging manufacturer and India , as well as cultivation methods orchid species information , so that consumers can better understand the information they buy orchids .
To help promote the domestic manufacturers will orchid orchid market, so not only through broader marketing channels or traders , we conceived to Internet -based marketing channels, such as : Youtube, Facebook social networking sites , auction sites , such as increasing our orchids exposure , open and innovative Internet marketing market . Facebook is one of our major media, came right touch of orchids , orchid haunt capture , image, and marketing programs to create blue , with these activities to spread the brand message and attract the attention of new consumer groups .
By brand designed to allow consumers to see the LOGO with packaging , we can think of the Green叶风华orchid garden , orchids to enhance our visibility, increase c

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