Can someone really just stop caring all of a sudden, or did they not care at all?

2013-12-18 11:58 pm
So I was talking to a guy I met on twitter, long distantly for over 3 months, he lives around 200 miles away. So we hit it off really well, talking non stop most days witht him mostly initiating conversation. We facetimed about 3 times a week for hours and had a lot in common. We met up, and again got on really well. Things were still going strong, and I suggested meeting up again more regularly. Then he said how much he's working and he doesn't think he'll be able to meet up. So I questioned the point in even speaking at all, and he agreed without it phasing him too much, then he said he doesn't want to cut me out of his life completely. I've only ever messaged him first from then on, very casually, but the last two times he hasn't bothered replying at all. I try to keep things civil but I still really care, and it hurts me knowing how quickly he seems to have got over me. (It's only been like a month) help me figure out what's going on inside his head?

回答 (3)

2013-12-19 12:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are SO many reasons to why he maybe stopped caring. Maybe there just was no romantic spark or connection between you both.. maybe you felt it but he didn't. The other reasons could be that he's ACTUALLY busy and needs some personal space. Or, he's just not ready for a relationship or a long distance relationship. In my point of view, he is obviously still interested in you and wants to still stay in contact with you seeing as he said he doesn't want to cut you off completely. My advice to you is to not text/call/facetime him at all until he does and i'm sure he'll open up to you. Also, most importantly, please don't stress over this guy, there are way too many fishes in the sea to be stressing over one! and believe me, I know how it feels. I've been in a two year long distance relationship before and it didn't work out unfortunately. I eventually got over him and i'm happy now :) and same goes for you, if he does not contact you back then I guess you just have to accept the fact that he just doesn't want a romantic relationship with you and that its time to move on.
2013-12-19 8:02 am
First of all that is not a real relationship. That's online chattering with a chance to hook up here and there in real life. For all you know this guy could have a wife or a serious girlfriend. Guys do this these days. Find something real that you can have in your everyday life. Stay away from relationships built mostly around technology.
2013-12-19 8:01 am
i think maybe he found there was no romantic spark between you and moved on ---- it does not mean he did not stop caring he found he does not want a romantic relationship ---- he may also be one of these people that think males and females cant be friends --- they are either lovers or strangers which to me is a weird way to look at things ---- he is also making excuses rather than being honest ---- if you like someone you make time always

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