Why are right wingers (Republicans, Conservatives) dedicated to war, poverty for all but them, and the?

2013-12-18 11:34 pm
destruction of all life on earth?

回答 (13)

2013-12-18 11:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Because Cons are motivated by hate, fear, and greed.
2013-12-19 7:35 am
You arent interested in facts.
2013-12-19 7:36 am
you just tried to pull open a bag of cheese puffs and they flew out and covered you with that orange dust... didn't they?
2013-12-19 7:35 am
Why do Pinko liberals ask inane questions?
2013-12-19 7:39 am
Conservatives are not hellbent on war, and poverty for all but them. What I believe your question should be is, "Why do republicans prefer a top-down approach to economic stimulus?" And the reason they don't mind these things, is because they believe tax cuts and giving money to corporations is a better way to create more and better jobs for the people. And as for the war bit, don't be dense nobody wants war its just the liberal media getting to you.
2013-12-19 7:36 am
For the same reason Democrats want to destroy the universe.
2013-12-19 7:46 am
Why are you a liar.
WWI Wilson Dem
Atomic Bomb FDR DEM
Vietnam JFK, LBJ DEM
What else ya got?
2013-12-19 7:39 am

Dedicated to poverty ?


I worked my butt off for over 50 years since I had a paper route when I was 10 years old

I busted my but putting myself through College by driving a truck full time during the week days + working part time on Saturday & Sunday at a Chemical Supply Store while I attended Night Classes at a University where I paid for 100 % of my tuition by myself

If you really want to talk about being dedicated to poverty......you NEED to talk to the Lazy & Shiftless Able Bodied Adults who are " JOBLESS BY CHOICE " and who " work " the system by sponging off Government Handouts from the womb to the tomb
2013-12-19 7:35 am
No we want equality for all, reducing poverty and have a flat tax or at least this conservative does.
2013-12-19 9:51 am
My God!!! Do you also believe in unicorns?

Well, then, go clean their water bowls.
2013-12-19 9:03 am
You`re just repeating the dribble that the Liberal Communists keep throwing at Reps & Cons.
Really, Reps & Cons want to engage in wars all the time?
The only wars Reps have been involved in was the Civil War in 1860 & since then the only wars that Reps have been involved with were the 1st. & 2nd. Iraq Wars & the Afghanistan war.
The Dems have had the Mexican-American war, the Civil War, the Spanish-American war, WW-1, WW-2, the Korean War & the Vietnam war.
That`s a total of 4 wars that Reps have been responsible for & the Democrats are responsible for 7 wars.
Who`s "dedicated to war" now?
Poverty? Statistics clearly show that Cons & Reps donate more of their money & time to help the poor than the Liberal Dems. who claim that they are the party that represents the poor.
Your last point probably has to do with the myth created by Liberal Dems about "Global Warming" being caused by humans, which is nothing more than a theory that they have backed with falsified weather reports.

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