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STALL 主要兩個解釋
Stall (noun) = a large table or a small shop that is open at the front, used for selling things or for giving people information. 貨攤, 攤位
We always buy our fresh fruits from a fruit and vegetable stall.
Never buy uncooked food from a market stall.
Stall (verb) = stop working because not enough power is reaching the engine 停頓, 熄火
The car engine may stall as we go up the hill.
我們上山時, 汽車發動機可能熄火
An inexperienced car driver may easily stall a car.
stall (noun) = 畜棚, 〔引擎〕停止運轉; 【英】〔戲院〕正廳座位
stall (verb) = 故意拖延