How long before you can bend over after having scoliosis surgery?

2013-12-16 9:10 pm
I am having surgery for scoliosis next year and am wondering how long it will it be on average before people can bend over, if anyone knows please comment thanks x

回答 (3)

2013-12-17 5:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you mean your spine bend then its never as this surgery fuses the spine into one solid bone rather than the several vertebra's a spine is made up of,once we have been fused then there is no flexibility afterwards plus we have the rods to deal with too,

but if you mean lean forward then it varies,i still cannot lean over or bend after over 20 years ago but manage despite that,will add a link for scoliosis support so you can ask/answer questions or simply chat to those who also have it they will have answers on this and will most likely say they too cannot bend any more,

I have had the surgery and my back is so stiff now,but you soon adjust,hope this helps.
參考: Experience of living with scoliosis had the surgery.
2013-12-18 5:33 pm
Well it depends on exactly where you are going to be fused. I am 18 months post op & fused from T2 down to S1 that is all the way down my back...a 19 inch scar. I can't bend from the waist or at the shoulders. I can bend from the hips. I was very very worried about this before the surgery, It does take a bit of getting use to at first but it doesn't bother me at all. Life is so much better now, the major pain I had before the surgery is a distant memory. I have occasional muscle pain that is usually my own fault for over doing things. I can do almost anything I want to with in reason. Just no picking up anything to heavy. It does take some time to recover but all worth it.
參考: Own Experience
2013-12-16 10:05 pm
I don't know....but I would not reco surgery unless all other options have been exhausted.

I remember reading someone claimed they found out it was a parasite....but I can't find the article. someone was getting treated in new jersey for it

did anyone do a hair analysis and a full blood screen [not the standard test ] to see if you were deficient in any minerals?!

were you tested for parasites?! nematodes?

you can always get the surgery later, but if it were me, I'd be looking into non invasive options, starting with supplements to my diet and physical therapy

my father had scoliosis too, but I knew nothing of this new technique which does not involve surgery or I would have told him about it.

best wishes

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