What is your favorite thing about the holidays?

2013-12-16 6:41 pm
Whether it's spending time with family and friends or getting gifts, there's at least one thing you love during the holidays! What's your favorite thing about the holidays? Share with us and Happy Holidays from the Yahoo Answers Team!

回答 (557)

2013-12-16 7:07 pm
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being the grinch
2013-12-18 3:48 pm
First, it has to be what I consider the "reason for this season." I am a Christian, and I believe in Jesus Christ being the good news behind this holiday.

Second, I love my family. Being a newly wed of over a year, I've come to love my new family even more (i.e. my husband's side). I appreciate the family I have and have gained. They're very special and dear to me.

Third, it is just the fun festivities of this holiday. I love giving gifts. While I know money isn't everything, sometimes I wish my wallet would hold up a bit more. ;) The wonderful sights and smells and tastes - it's just the spirit of Christmas in the air! Too bad it's only once a year.
2013-12-22 7:51 am
It's easier to see the "good" in people, it seems like the world spins a little slower in the city where you live. There seems to be more help available for those in need, the produce in food boxes fresher, and not quite so many "mystery" items. Through all walks of life there's almost a harmony if you look close enough. More families are seen together, and there's more showing smiles this time of year. Even those who don't believe in the true beginning of why the holiday is celebrated become a part of what it's ultimately all about.
Peace on Earth. Good will to men.
So I guess my favorite thing about the holidays, is simply Hope.
2013-12-28 9:58 pm
Christmas is my favorite holiday and some reasons why I love it are:

1. The food!!! (Trifle and pavlova especially)

2. The family. I love being with my family and seeing relatives that have been away for some time.

3. The gifts! I love giving and receiving! :)

4. How everyone seems to be happy. It is nice to have a break and relax.

So yeah! Happy holidays everyone!!! :)
參考: Moi. :)
2013-12-25 9:55 am
The sensation that hearts of all the people including mine, softens and leave aside all the prejudice, detraction, opposition, anger, all what encompass hatred, as with fears and all kinds of melancholy.
Of course when you are a kid you love the gifts, but at the same time you think a lot of God.

When you are grown up you miss that things, the gifts If you don´t receive them anymore, the smiles, the absence of material things that afflicts the family but when all are joined , everything can be overcome. In time the problems arise and everyone takes distance from another, but if at least one in the family, that can be you, is with God, respecting him, remembering him, you can have a great time feeling complete with God and reviving your merry reminiscences of the past.

Maybe half families are happy till elderly age, while the other half maybe not, even though one thing is sure, Christmas brings us hope, the necessary to believe that things can be again like in past times.

All the mankind does good deeds in an unexpected way at this time of the year, they show interest on the neighbor or the foreigner, do charity deeds, forgiveness of faults, ask forgiveness and all forms of kindness for which there is only one responsible, the Christmas spirit and the Christmas spirit is Jesus.

Merry Christmas to you who are suffering alone, remember that in reality you are never alone, and Merry Christmas to all around the world!
2013-12-30 6:52 am
I think that my favorite thing about the holidays is that people become a little nicer during the holidays.

Sure spending time with family, friends, and opening presents (if you get them) is cool too, but i'd prefer being able to go outside and not have someone jump down my throat because i'm breathing the same air as them.
2013-12-29 11:49 pm
My favorite things about the holidays are the things I've decided to make my traditions. I did not want "family" to mean the same things that I grew up with. About 30 years ago, I decided to be very careful in creating what I wanted as new traditions and a new meaning of what family was and was not. It's taken a long time, careful decisions and was not easy but it's worked. I've created new traditions and a new meaning of loving each other. My kids don't really know how hard it was to create a new "normal".

So, my very favorite part of every holiday is seeing that with time, insistence on certain standards of behavior and lots of love and caring, I was able to improve the life of my family and future generations. (and it didn't cost a thing!)
2013-12-29 12:44 am
All of the above and then some. Knowing that the greatest celebration, that brings the whole world, to a standstill, is the celebration of the birth of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Whether you are a believer or not, this celebration is so Awesome (this is my reserved word used only for God) that it does not matter where you are on the Planet, this celebration of Jesus birth as a baby, is the biggest celebration on the planet. Everyone, Christians and non-Christians, can celebrate it with freedom of religion and just being in unity with Christians who know the True Reason for the Season and the True Meaning of this Special Gift of Jesus Christ by God as stated in John 3:16:"For God so loved the world, that He gave his Only Begotten Son, that Whosoever, believeth upon Him, would not perish, but have Everlasting Life" This global celebration of Jesus season and coming as a babe, debunks the fallacy, that Christmas is not Christian. The very fact, that God sent Jesus as Saviour to the World and for the world, is reason enough for other non-believers to get some of the blessings and enjoyment that comes about with this special occasion, that Christians share, although we are aware that most unbelievers may not understand or can explain the season, but the joy and smiles and peace and love and brightness of the season in such a dark time of winter, tells us, the mystery of the workings of God the Father through the birth of His Son Jesus Christ. Peace and Blessings to the Yahoo Answers Team! I do believe you all are not a computer program but are real. Happy New Year too!
參考: The Bible KJV
2013-12-27 2:50 pm
I'm not sure anymore. Christmas is no longer about the birth of Christ. So many people have made this day about gifts. It's a recession anyway, who still waists hundreds of bucks to give to a a lot of ungrateful people, not Me. Although if I had to say things I enjoy at Christmas it would be being around the people that I love most in the world, my family and friends. And yea, being out of school is always a plus. O and turkey, ham, fried chicken, green beans, mac n cheese, corn bread, dressing...and the rest of the wonderful dishes that someone has put their foot in....yyyuuummm:)

There is so much tension in the world, lets forget about money, gifts, and stress for one day and look around at the many blessing around us and it's not in a store or at the Mall....it's family, friends, shelter, a job etc. So many people don't have these things during the holiday season.

Happy Holidays Everyone!!
2013-12-23 12:39 pm
The thing about any holiday is that you can ease up on your responsibilities.
Kids are happy not going to school, adults are happy to get a day off. This also helps the family come together.
The gifts are an integral part of the Christmas holiday and in some rare cases you come across a greeting card which touches your heart or from a long forgotten relative or friend.
The holiday discounts and offers in stores make you want to become a shopaholic, although the irony remains "If you are buying a gift do you really see the price tag?".
My best thing about holidays is that I get together with my friends, drink some booze and play poker cuz I dont have much family to talk about..
參考: Just my opinion.
2013-12-27 2:10 pm

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