Why is there no book written about the logic of teenage girls in high school?

2013-12-16 2:43 am
There should be something out there that gives a decent explanation on why girls at that age find douche bags attractive. At least some sort of research should be done on the subject.

I'm a high school student and everyday I see girls falling for mean guys and getting their hearts broken over and over. What is the logic in this? This may also in some cases apply to men but i have yet to see this happen to guys at my school, at least the nice guys that is.


Believe it or not i actually have a few friends that are girls, they are both nerdy like me and one is bisexual, but i don't judge them. I'm not in the greatest of shape and I don't go chasing after girls, all I'm trying to figure out is why the same girls keep getting their hearts broken. PS. I never said there weren't guys out there like that either, I'm not just targeting females. I'm sure men date mean, bitchy attractive woman as well. I just think their motives are a little different.

回答 (8)

2013-12-16 2:52 am
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Teenage girl here. Not attracted to douche bags.

Oh wait, I don't count. You guys only care about the popular, attractive teenage girls. The rest of us don't matter.
2013-12-16 10:50 am
You make it sound like girls are the only ones that find idiots attractive. Why do guys always like the bitchy rich girls?? There isn't really a reason other then the fact that doucey guys and bitchy girls look good on the outside, but are stupid and shallow on the inside. Maybe both girls and guys should stop chasing after the popular kids, and get to know all of the wallflowers, who are wonderful even though they are quiet(;
2013-12-16 11:55 am
Then you would have to write a book about the logic of boys in high school. Now that's an illogical bunch.
2013-12-16 10:49 am
I could be a douche bag myself and say it is because they have no logic, but that is not right. Greg, it is not just in high school, you will find it in college, the workplace, and later.
I've been told by women that they have a propensity for the "bad boy"; That one that follows no rules.
Probably the same reason that boys and men want to conquer that "bad girl". But most of us will grow out of it with age and experience.
2013-12-16 10:48 am
Can't say I agree with the premise of this question.
2013-12-16 10:44 am
Many have tried, none have survived.
2013-12-16 10:52 am
Much easier it would be in describing those traits commonly found in good people, and those traits commonly found in bad people, and how people and things change all the time, and one must keep aware.
2013-12-16 10:51 am
You know I have to say that for a while in high school I was ordinary in the sense of I hadn't quite figured out how to compose myself to full potential. Anyways I liked quite a few artsy guys and I must say I wasn't on their radar as they were looking at air heads themselves (so guys do it too) when I reached maxim potential and became a little siren the same boys I liked took notice but didn't approach. They literally left me wide open for interception. Do you get what I am saying here.

Its very likely your looking at a plastic moning why she wants a jock. When you probably have a girl that very attractive just not on your radar in front of you and your over looking her leaving her wide open for interception.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 21:10:53
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