Do I have social anxiety or something? How can I stop it?

2013-12-15 9:49 am
I have this thing, whenever attention is focused on me, or I'm talking to 2-4 people, I suddenly become self conscious and start to blush. It's really annoying, and I don't know how to stop it. It just gets worse if I think about it. Is this considered social anxiety?
I can't go on in life with that, I'm supposed to talk to others, and I would really much rather do without the blushing.
I want to appear confident as well, confidence is desirable and my blushing gets in the way! Any tips?
The only thing that has worked, for the most part, is that I not think when talking to someone, but just focus on the topic of discussion, or just simply not think about talking to someone before talking to them, or thinking about others opinions, but that doesn't always work, because I'm naturally an over-thinker!
Another thing that works is that my self-esteem is at a high, then I don't blush, because if I feel comfortable in my own skin.
It may be a self-security thing too, but I'm trying to work on my confidence.

Anyway, those are obviously not permanent solutions.

Any helpful tips?
I'll grant you 10 awesome points for your HELPFUL input!


回答 (5)

2013-12-16 3:18 pm
I am happy to reassure you from someone who suffers CHRONIC social anxiety, that no, you do not have this problem - thankfully.

Shyness is separate from what one goes through with social phobia.

I know of a young lady who suffers this too; she is fine if it is just her and another, but one time, she had to read a letter and translate it from French, to English for about 5 people around her and she started and gradually started to blush and had to stop and said: oh wow, I feel all eyes are on me, but I whispered that she was doing well and to concentrate and she did and was great. She is not social phobic, just shy.

If you cannot go out on your own, without feeling that you are coming out of your body, ie sort of sureal feeling and panic that you are going to trip or make a fool of yourself, that is when there is a possibility of social anxiety.

For us, it is the little things that cause crushing panic! I feel sick at the notion of opening a door or going to the toilet by myself or going up the road to our bins.

I feel that once you can feel reassured that you do not have social phobia, this will go a long way, to helping your confidence, and besides, you have already come out with some stratagies which is a big well done you :D
2013-12-15 3:10 pm
I think this could be social anxiety. I have it too. I'm still trying to learn to cope with it. One thing I do is try to accept myself so I won't be so ashamed in public. Look in the mirror and just accept everything about yourself. You can't really change the way you look so just accept it and soon enough you will start to learn to love yourself. Once you love yourself you are going to want to go out and express yourself and not be so ashamed when you talk to people. Of course this isn't the only way, but if you really are insecure this could help. I guess the only way to get over the anxiety is to keep practicing and start small. Something that I do is that I pretend to be another person. This is easier when you talk to people you haven't met before. It truly boosts your confidence.
I still haven't gotten over my SA but I can feel myself getting a little more comfortable around people. Don't get upset if it doesn't automatically work because it takes time. I hope you get better :)
參考: My brain
2013-12-15 10:25 am
try to build on your confidence step by step.
tell your friend about it might help.
when attention comes to you, just offer a simple & quick answer, for example, yes/no answer.
go out with your friends more often to get used to being in a group.
Try to get more involved in a group, e.g. chatting, playing in a group.
Hope it helped
2013-12-15 9:59 am
I'm the same as you! I'm 18 and I constantly blush. If I don't know someone too well and I'm brought into the centre of attention, I just go red and guys can't wear foundation!!!! :@

Its the smallest stupid things too! When a teacher asks me a question in class, when a girl asks me a question about homework or something. Its a real life barrier for me too.

My suggestion is just to break your shell, find a sense of humour and in a certain way, become proud of your blushing. It means you have a shy or mysterious side to you and in my opinion and for many other guys, I find it cute. Blushing may be annoying, but there is a good side to it:)
2013-12-15 9:55 am
I don't like being the center of attention either. I find it very difficult to keep eye contact with anyone. I don't find myself blushing, but i do find myself worrying about if I'm being judged or if what I'm replying with might sound stupid. Those concerns really only exist for me when i first meet someone though. After that I'm just easily distracted and space out a lot.
The only advice that can really be given, is that if you want to feel a certain way [confident], you need to work on it yourself. No one else can make you confident, you have to convince yourself or push yourself to realize you have the right to be confident. You must also realize anyone that does judge harshly wasn't worth your time to begin with. It's never you that's the problem, unless you're knowingly causing harm to others and still going through with it.
I realize I sound contradicting, but I'm still working on myself. But I know this stuff is true because I've been working on myself since I hit puberty, and I'm finally confident enough to not doubt myself in everything I do. It has to be working. It just takes time to change perspectives, and willingness.

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