
2013-12-16 4:56 am
DSE 4 月便開考了><
老師話我得Level 1-2 , 但我想坐2望3
3個月內快速提升英文水平有咩方法, Thanks!!

我每天分配到大約3 hrs溫English 大約還有270小時時間>

回答 (4)

2013-12-21 12:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
4 usage on IVEHD upgrade:-
(1+2)Do you watch a lot of TV in 3 months?
30daysx3monthsx3=270 hrs.
Watch TV,and then try learn copy what you do note down from Varieties of English=write the verb and its complement.
(3)Listening:-Practice listen to the News;to the conversation of some actress on their focus,theme, and emphasis;on their coordination and apposition.
(4)Aural=Oral=Practice where subtitles written;also on stress,rhythm,and intonation on their sentence connection.
Keep up with your good work.
2013-12-17 10:52 pm
我每天分配到大約3 hrs溫English //

岩岩好可以睇套英文電影,可以練listening, 又可以跟住字幕讀,練oral .
2013-12-17 4:42 am
go to wallstreet or englishtown or read times mafazines ,definitely help u araearar
2013-12-16 5:06 am

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