
2013-12-15 8:15 pm


回答 (8)

2013-12-15 11:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
English translation

The excessive overtime hours of this staff member should be looked at. The allocation of working hours should also be improved.

2013-12-18 19:02:37 補充:
What a bunch of jokers (WongSui fung Kevin momo Veda salon 糸色 望tsz ho keng chfcf chkl Dick) to be voting the ill-grammared answer "When this employee overtime too, should pay attention to and improve its time allocation."!
2013-12-17 12:58 pm
Concerning that personnel's overdoing of overtime work, we ought to watch and do something about especially to rearrange that working schedule.
參考: Partly according to The advanced learner's dictionary of current English with Chi nese translation published by Hong Kong Oxford Univerisity Press 1975
2013-12-17 2:59 am
The number was too many, should noticed and improved its timed to assign when this employee worked overtime.
2013-12-16 2:18 am
This staff has too much overtime hours, he/she should pay attention to and improve his/her allocation of time.
2013-12-16 1:30 am
This overtime hours too much, should pay attention to and improve the allocation of time.
參考: me
2013-12-15 11:23 pm
This staff works too much overtime. Please pay attention and improve the time arrangement.
2013-12-15 9:00 pm
This staff work too much. he/she need to know how to distribution his/ her time.

2013-12-15 13:02:41 補充:
* Sorry it is ''He'' not ''he''
Hope can help you
2013-12-15 8:23 pm

When this employee overtime too, should pay attention to and improve its time allocation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 19:10:34
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