Houses and planets? Capricorn sun in 12th house?

2013-12-13 5:13 pm
Ok so I found out where they are, but what does it all mean?
Sun is capricorn in 12th
Ascendant is capricorn
Moon is in 7th house of leo
Mercury 12th house capricorn
Venus 10th house scorpio
Mars 8th house of Virgo
Jupiter 11th house of sagittarius
Saturn 2nd house of Pisces
Uranus 1st house capricorn
Neptune 1st house capricorn
Pluto 10th house scorpio.

I did my boyfriends too to see if we are compatible and his are
Sun in 10th house of taurus
Ascendant leo
Moon 6th house capricorn
Mercury 9th house capricorn
Venus 9th house Aries
Mars 8th house Pisces
Jupiter 11th house cancer
Saturn 6th house capricorn
Uranus 5th house capricorn
Neptune 5th house capricorn
Pluto 4th house scorpio

So what does this say about me? And what about me and my boyfriend together? Are we compatible?
Thank you in advance :)

回答 (1)

2013-12-13 8:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Understand no astrologer will go through all of your chart here on a free forum. This was to help others to understand astrology better. So read what has stated about your chart, then ask one direct question on this forum. Such as you were born as a 12 house sun (Always supply your chart as you give the astrologer a better chance of answering your question personally). To go through all of your chart is very time consuming, and doubtful if anyone would venture to do that here.
As with your 12th house sun, there is usually a birth story of some type between you and your mother, especially since your moon conjoins your sun. I have found often there is some sense of separation that occur during your first year of life. Perhaps Mom had the post natal blues and was distant, maybe you were a premature birth and had to stay in the hospital. Usually there is a story.
Sadly even if an astrology would venture into this, your data is incomplete. There are a few things in your relationship that certainly could use a little improvement. Sadly some of your data is incorrect, as your boyfriend cannot be a Taurus with a Capricorn mercury.

Good luck.
參考: experienced astrologer.reader

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