KFC hour wage for 18?

2013-12-13 3:32 pm
Im gonna start to work in KFC soon, but the manger told me that my pay will be less than "normal" so Im just wondering how much I will get per hour as Im 18?

回答 (8)

2013-12-13 5:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you're getting bamboozed..pee in the chicken!
2013-12-13 3:33 pm
1. Graduate from high school.
2. Go to college.
3. Graduate from college with a major of your interest.
4. Have a more successful job than KFC.
2013-12-13 3:38 pm
You will get paid minimum wage. The "normal" amount is only slightly higher than that.
2016-10-16 4:01 pm
Kfc Wages Australia
2013-12-16 7:29 pm
Minimum wage for any job which is 7.25
2013-12-13 8:43 pm
$7 hr.
2013-12-13 8:19 pm
Im not sure about australia in my country it would be $7.75 an hour but i hear australian minimum wage is much higher
2013-12-13 4:23 pm
When you start, be sure and sign up for their 'I Want to Be a Colonel' program. It's their fast track management program. This program should put into management postion, with your own store within 18-24 months...including all the chicken you can eat.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:13:19
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