Risk premium一問

2013-12-13 10:10 pm
Fair game has zero risk premium and zero expected return.
but risk premium = expected return - risk-free

how can a zero risk premium can have a zero expected return?

I'm still a bit confused. = = Then, is an risky investment with expected return, say 4% (which is not zero) a fair game, given the market risk-free rate also 4%?

回答 (2)

2013-12-14 5:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
邊度話"Fair game has zero risk premium and zero expected return."?

你個4%example已經違反你話o既"Fair game has zero risk premium and zero expected return."




擲coin的choice係公或字, 結果係$1變$2, 或變$0, expected value=$1

投資的choice係risky investment or riskfree investment, 結果係本金*(1+risk-free rate), 或本金*(1+risk-free rate+(chance*gain rate+chance*loss rate)), expected return=(1+risk-free rate), 因為在fair game中定義了(chance*gain+chance*loss)=0,

開始係本金, 結果係本金*(1+risk-free rate), 不同于擲coin, 但若inflation rate=risk-free rate, 你個real return rate=0, 結果係本金, 咁就同于擲coin

The risk premium is the amount by which the risky asset's expected return must in fact exceed the risk-free return in order to make the risky and risk-free assets equally attractive.

個risk中的chance of loss 抵消咗premium, 所以係0

記憶中係咁, 互研

2013-12-14 10:07:03 補充:
gain rate & loss rate我想講additional果種

2013-12-21 14:32:58 補充:
Any question?
2014-12-08 9:28 am

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