How can i introduce myself to this girl?

2013-12-13 3:03 am
This girl at my high school has a late arrival like i do (witch is we don't have a first period so we hang around in the lobby for a half hour) so i see this girl who was in some of my other classes before. When i see her i want to introduce myself but i don't know what to say.

回答 (2)

2013-12-13 3:13 am
Well would you want to talk to her and possibly become a friend or more? If just a friend, bring up a class. If something more, you could possibly compliment on something that she's wearing or talk about something that you think might interest the both of you, e.g. tv shows or movies
2013-12-13 3:12 am
u talk about classes, sports rallys, friends, music, bands u like, whats going on at chrismas, what she aske 4 for christmas....

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