I have no desire to go to work and school?

2013-12-13 1:04 am
I'm 16 and I've been depressed for awhile. I hate my job and school so much. I'm lazy and tired because work and school wear me out. I hate both of them so much because they take all my time to play guitar away. I hope to be in a band one day and become a musician. I've already decided that I'm not going to college because I see it as pointless. I don't want to go to school just to have a job in the end. My depression has gotten worse. I think about how if I don't become a musician then I'll end up killing myself. I know it sounds pretty drastic but I don't want to go school and sit behind a desk all these years just to get a job where I'll be sitting behind a bigger desk the rest of my life.

回答 (7)

2013-12-14 1:53 am
you don't have to get a job where you are stuck behind a desk. You should get a trade such as a mechanic electrician or plumber. Personally I think alot of courses in college are a waste of time and they don't train you to do anything that you could get a job out of. You earn a good amount of money if you have a trade. People will always need a tradesman they are normally in high demand. Also with a trade you could be self employed so you could put in as many hours as you want. So you would have what ever free time you want. Also you could leave school at 16 and get an apprenticeship because not everyone is into study and college and it may not serve you well.
2013-12-13 9:08 am
carry on with your studies now as they pave a way for the future.
you get qualifications from studying, yes?
qualifications are needed to find jobs/better jobs in musical industries.
strike a balance between leisure and work is the best.
leisure = playing guitar
2013-12-13 1:47 am
Well if you just want to feel sorry for yourself, have at it.

IF you want to be a musician,,,a great one, requires self discipline, desire, motivation and drive.

Try looking into vocational schools with a heavy curriculum of the arts. Maybe school won't be so boring then.

Also, NO ONE is going to pay your way once your parents are gone. Better get a work ethic or you will be out on the streets whining.
2013-12-13 1:26 am
It bees that way sometime. You'll get past it soon enough when reality slaps you hard. Good luck.
2013-12-13 1:11 am
there's something that you have to understand about life. it's not going to be a cake walk to anybody, people have to work to do what they want to do. this sounds dumb, but if you ever want to have any hope of becoming a known musician someday, start a band soon and get an education in music after you finish high school. if you have papers that say you're smart, you have a better chance of getting a musical career. either way, i think that you should go and see a counselor for your depression. i'm sick of hearing people complain about their lives and their jobs, everybody is going to have to work for what they want to do. its what makes the world go round.
2013-12-13 1:08 am
Now, that's crystal clear
There is nothing to feel depressed about
Go where your desire leads you
School and colleges are not always important, what is important is your interest
2013-12-13 1:06 am
Dude I was just thinking bout the same **** besides killing myself I have reasones to live I hate school

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