問下有關英文tense 問題

2013-12-12 11:59 pm
ABC Group has been operating for ten years. We provide different
kinds of financial services for our customers:

問問大家以上句子既tense 有無用錯呀,大家幫手睇下。

回答 (4)

2013-12-22 4:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's correct.

The 1st sentence,
ABC Group has been operating for ten years.
'For ten years' this is a present perfect tense's phrase, so you use 'has been' is

The 2nd sentence,
We provide different kinds of financial services for our customers.
This is a present tense's sentence, because you always provide services for
your customers, so these two sentences are correct.
2013-12-14 2:15 am
ABC Group has been operating for ten years.
We provide different kinds of financial services for our customers.
參考: /
2013-12-13 4:48 am
It is correct.
2013-12-13 4:07 am
Your sentence is correct

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