If GOD had chosen a fully grew Asian man as the "Return of Jesus Christ" . would this surprised you ?

2013-12-10 2:52 am
Would that lined up with the Bible ?
Would you still have respected for GOD and put your TRUST in HIM our FATHER ?

sphere...........Love you ALL ! GOD BLESS !

回答 (7)

2013-12-10 2:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
He can do whatever he wants.
2013-12-12 12:39 am
Fully grown Asian men, fully grown Negroid men, and any fully grown man are all the same, hence what ever God does is what God does.
2013-12-10 12:05 pm
He could be anything as far as looks are concerned. We aren't sure, as we have never seen Him. What we've seen of Him are just Roman interpretations.
2013-12-10 11:03 am
Jesus Christ came once and for all, "the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us" No other Jesus is coming in any other form as outlined in the King James Version of the Holy Bible and as decribed by the Words of the Prophets and Jesus Himself in the New Testament "If you have seen me you have seen the Father" Jesus is hardly into the worlds view or vision of "race" In John gospel Although we do not have a current picture of Jesus Christ image, only the apostles and the people living in that time, would have that information. Having said that, Jesus Christ is from a specific lineage and a specific Tribe of Judah, and from a specific race the Jewish race. So once these traits can be determined and identified, and the nail prints, are present, and the wound on his side is present, then nothing else would matter. The Word of God says, Jesus Christ, is the Same Yesterday, as He is Today and He will be Tomorrow. As for the rest what I think is irrelevant to the Creator of the Universe, God never Lies and Never Changes. He is True and All men are liars, so says the word of God. Peace
參考: The Bible KJV
2013-12-10 10:55 am

Asian,Europian,African,American,Australian,Atlandican All Are cordially Invited And most Welcome.
參考: Life.
2013-12-10 10:53 am
If the Savior of The World was purple it wouldn't matter to me.
2013-12-10 10:53 am
People who wrote the Bible knew nothing of Asia, absolutely nothing. Honestly, get with reality. This is like child's dream you have written here.

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