i need some help from christian?

2013-12-10 2:49 am
my family call themselves christians, but when i preach the bible, the try to overtalk me, or call my past forgiven sins. they call me antichrist, satanist, one verse preacher, and many bad things. they curse me out and tell me not to preach the bible. one time they even snatched my bible from me, these are people who call themselves saved christians. i get persecuted under my roof. im 16 and i need help ive been put out multiple times. please help

回答 (6)

2013-12-10 3:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
As you are learning and growing in your knowledge of God's grace, please, do not feel undue pressure to take up the responsibility of being a teacher. Not all are called to do so. In fact, the scriptures state that we ought never to be quick in taking up that position.

The reasons are many and varied, but, specifically, James states that it is because, "we who teach will be judged more strictly." (James 3:1)

Now, I do not believe that this means the teacher will face a stricter, and harsher judgment by God, but that those who teach will be the recipients of much criticism, and will have to get used to living under surveillance by those who feel called to be critical.

When you take up the responsibilities of a teacher, you also get the portion of a teacher, which is a harsher amount of criticism, and the knowledge that you are living under a greater deal of scrutiny. This is not for everyone, and can serve to be a great irritant to the soul, if one is not built to be on the receiving end of it.

Because many presume to be teachers, and then receive the less attractive things that come with the job, they become wounded, and bitter, and then they're words begin to take on a venomous, and biting tone. They become preoccupied with defending themselves and their reasons for being the way they are, while neglecting the Gospel that brought them notoriety in the first place. As a result, they churn out bitter, and unhealthy followers, instead of loving, Christlike sons.

This ought never to be!

The problem is the presumption that one is called to teach, simply because they are learning of things that few others are teaching. This alone does not mean one is called to fill that position, or to occupy that platform. If you jump into the "job", but are not equipped to handle what comes with it, it could very well ruin you, your family, and eventually, your reputation as a believer.

Also, the pressure to constantly put out bigger and flashier messages can lead one into error. The feeling that the "ante" must always be "upped" in order to keep folks interested, is a pressure to great for anyone to bear, and most certainly can lead folks to drink from impure streams, which, though attention grabbing, are lacking in the power to give life.

Not to mention that the presumption that one is a teacher can stifle your own personal growth in your knowledge of the Gospel. You'll find yourself pulling away from study for your own personal benefit, and instead studying only so that you can have something profound to say to others.

As a result of this, many have heads that are crammed full of facts which have never been applied on a heart level. They can readily divulge all sorts of Biblical knowledge, but have not really allowed these truths to impact their own souls, and work their way into their everyday lives.

Because of these things, I want to encourage you: feel free to simply be a student, and learn from others. There is no need to come up under a burden which you are not called to carry. If you're called to carry it, there is grace for it. If you're not, you'll find yourself being crushed beneath it's weight.

I just want to remove some pressure from you or the one reading this today. Don't feel as though it is your duty to burn yourself out, by seeking to be a teacher to everyone you come in contact with. It's OK to rest, receive, and let what you're learning impact your own heart.

It's OK to rest. :)
參考: Pastor
2013-12-10 2:57 am
Not sure how to answer this one.

I just know that if I am not wanted, I leave and find a place where I am wanted.
2013-12-10 3:11 am
Since you are young, and they are not listening, I suggest you drop that topic of conversation for now. Life an upright life, and pray for yourself and them.
2013-12-10 3:40 am
Honey ! I knew exactly how you feel at this moment !!!! I was a Budd-his and so are my whole family and relatives. The day that GOD had touched my heart and saved my soul , I had changed forever since !!! I now inherit the power of GOD and Angels . I prayed and talk to them almost everyday ,seeking for their guardian and advises how to deal with the " Darkness ". I had fought many battles with the demons and Satan already !! I am getting stronger as each battle gone by . With the helped of my FATHER (GOD) ,7 Archangels and 1,111 Angels on my side . I AWAYS WIN !!!! But the Satan use the souls of my family , relative and my love one to fight against me. I recognized it and just walk away without harming any of my family members.

My point is : Satan can control the " weak" soul of your family members to fight against you , because you are preaching , spreading out the LIGHT of GOD ! Satan will try her best to stop you. My advise to you is try not to argue with your parents. Just walk AWAY and pray for them as often as you can

May our FATHER and his Angels always by your side !


sphere...........Love you ALL ! GOD BLESS !
參考: JESUS had RETURNED !!!!
2013-12-10 2:55 am
Call upon the LORD for his strength. Love him first and the most.
2013-12-10 2:54 am
With your perspicacious and in-depth study of the bible reinforced by study of that great book in classical Greek and Latin - how dare they not listen to you !

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