加拿大讀bachelor of health sci的出路

2013-12-09 10:04 pm
1.係加拿大就黎讀完bachelor of health science 但係又唔想用太多時間讀med scl的話, 番到香港會有咩出路?

2.邊方面工作會有愈來愈多嘅需求?and 工資如何?


4.讀完health sci (life sci)做唔做到D醫療職系?or nursing?

5.如果對Health 方面有興趣, 可以點入行呢?可以比d意見嗎?THX!!

回答 (3)

2013-12-13 9:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
加拿大讀完 Bachelor of Health Science, 大多數的人想進入 medical school, 其次 dentistry 與 pharmacy. 有人考慮 physiotherapy (2 years), even Bachelor of Education (1 year, 稍後要 2 years)
單是 BS (Health Science), 加拿大很難找理想工作. 因為太 general. 多要 graduate school專科畢業生. 考慮
2.你的GPA 成績
3.你的工作經驗,有無跟隨教授做過 research?
4.你的 Reference
5.你的 MCAT, GRA etc 成績
6.你的經濟能力, 去 US 讀

如果不入 medicine, 可讀 Public Health 或者 Medical Engineering
Public Health 中, 專門 Epidemiology (傳染病學), 兩個 streams 入. 一個拿了 MD, 再深造 Master of Public Health, 另外一個只要 BS, 但GPA超高, McGill 授予M.S. in Epidemiology, Toronto U. 授予 M.P.H. 加拿大最好這兩間

Medical engineering 不愁出路. 設計醫療器具. X-ray, Laser, Ultrasound etc.

最後是 medical analytics. 算是 healthcare IT professional. 工作 challenging and rewarding.使用 computer, statistics 來分析 large set of clinical data. 另一類 e-health, US 許多工做, 要醫療知識, 要computer science, 和應用statistics.

2013-12-13 2:40 pm
To answer all of your questions, I would say there might be more jobs offer to you in Canada. Someone directly graduate from BHSci cannot get much jobs offer from Hong Kong, jobs here I mean health science related.

醫管局 or any of the government units do offer jobs to students like you, so, you can check it out from there. Also, insurance company do hire people from science, or city planning hire people from science as well.

But personally, my suggestion would be going into Master of Science in Canada, do further research if possible, and get some jobs.


Become a research assistant in your university, and continue the job in your own university.

Hope this might help you!(I might not answer to particular questions, but you have the duty to research possible jobs for your future)
參考: Personal Experience(Current Student in University of Toronto)
2013-12-10 12:45 am
i think you should ask your dad and your mum ask them give money you

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