請問一下 stand out 等於 put out 嗎?

2013-12-09 10:26 am
1. It is dangerous to put out your hand now.

2 . The doctor told me to stick out my tongue.

As the question, is the meaning of standing out or putting out the same?

Sorry, the sentence is wrong. As the question, is the meaning of sticking out or putting out the same?



回答 (3)

2013-12-10 6:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
題目裡頭並沒有 standing out 啊。你抄錯了。

put out your hand 伸出手來

stick out my tongue 伸出舌頭來

中文翻譯都是 【伸出來】
但是 put out 就是擺出來
stick out 是從看不見的地方冒出來,譬如:探頭出來,舌頭從口中伸出

put out 還有別的意思,是撲滅(火)

stand out 則是【突出】或【醒目】
2013-12-09 7:38 pm
2013-12-09 11:07 am
put out = 撲滅 (extinguish), 伸出來 (=extend out), 拿出去… (there are many other meanings)

stick out = 伸出來

stand out = 站出來, 脫穎而出 … (there are other meanings)

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