
2013-12-08 10:43 pm
我而家係溫哥華讀緊Grade 12, 諗住透過non-jupas報HKU同CUHK既law, 請問以我Top 5 Average 88.75既分夠唔夠呢?

Just for reference:
Top 5:
LAW 91
Pre-Cal 93
Physics 83
ENG 81

回答 (3)

2013-12-13 2:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
With you current average has been fulfilled the general admissions requirement by the HKU (80%), then, for all non-jupus applicants are required to have the English test result, such as Toefl or Ielts to show their ability on the English.

In your case, an 81 in English has been really high compare to the Canadian High school average, so, I think your score should be able to get you in. Even law require high English marks, but English marks is also vary of countries difference. Then, of course, your admissions is also base on the current year average as well, so, just get as high as possible on rest of your courses.

For info for general admissions HKU:

Law degree in HKU:

The best way to discover is to call them,
HKU Admissions Office:

Hope this is helpful and welcome for any feedbacks!
參考: Personal Experience(Current student in University of Toronto)
2013-12-09 10:08 pm
So if I'm taking Political Science as my 1st choice do you think it would be easier for me to get an admission offer from either one of these uni? In fact HKU requires a minimum of 80 in English and my grade is pretty high among all the int'l students at my school.

2013-12-10 11:15:33 補充:
As a non-jupas applicant I can actually choose up to 3 programs.

I'm actually looking for some specific details or experiences rather than personal opinions. Anyway I appreciate your eagerness in helping me on my uni apps.

Your incisive response also motivates me to work harder in Term 2!
2013-12-09 5:43 am
Since you will be applying under non-JUPAS, there is no official data regarding the requirement.

But in most of the case, you will not receive any admission offer.

Your English score is simply too low for law.

2013-12-10 00:19:20 補充:
1. Meeting minimum does not guarantee admission.

2. HKU does not care how well or bad your classmates are.

3. You don't have a choice - as a non-JUPAS applicant, you can only choose 1 program, if I am correct.

This is not JUPAS.

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