Dispaly card problem?

2013-12-08 7:28 pm
After I turn on the computer, the monitor will shut down after 5-10 minutes(depends, every time different) and then the computer will turn off and make beep sound. When I turn on the computer again, the problem continues. I think it is the display card problem. Any other reasons? If I need to change the display card, how much is that? Also, I find there is a internal display port on my computer. Can I set up to use the internal display and not using the display card? How to set it up?

回答 (3)

2013-12-08 9:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Mostly likely it's a hardware problem. The key lies in those beeping sounds .

1..Power up your PC. When it beeps, listen carefully for the duration of each beep. Normally it beeps repeatedly in a set sequence. For example,
_________ ___ _________ ___ then ___ _________ __________ ___ then again repeats itself.

Draw lines to indicate the signal length. After a minute, you should be able to eliminate the repeats and work out the required pattern.

These signals come from your motherboard. It is a set of codes to indicate EXACTLY what's wrong on it. To find out, Google search the make and model of your board on the official website. Hunt for beep codes under your board. It will decode it for you.

Since you know exactly what's wrong, you can then home-in on the problem, without wasting time and money.

Good luck.
參考: Hardware know how
2013-12-08 9:38 pm
据你的说法。我排除你电脑荧幕是 OK 的。
(因为可以正常开动到 5-10 分钟才黑幕)

那么就把问题转移到 display card。
你电脑现在是用 外加 display card。 可能真的如你述说它坏掉了。

既然你发现你本身的 CPU 有个内置 display card 的插口,当然你是可以直接
插上。(就是把 display monitor 的 线插在 internal display port )

然后开电脑,用下看黑幕还出现吗。 如果还出现黑幕,哪问题可能在其它地方。

display card 有便宜的,有贵的。视功能而定。
去电脑商场走一圈,看哪个功能你想要的。然后再配合你现在部 CPU 的功效 配一块 display card。
2013-12-08 7:38 pm

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