How to make my dogs not mate?

2013-12-07 4:16 pm
My dog is an austraillian shepherd and he is six. My other one is a girl German shepherd and she is only five months old! They are both not fixed because my Australian shepherd is a show dog. Will my German shepherd not let him mate with her? If not, how do I make them stop until I can get her fixed.

回答 (11)

2013-12-07 4:27 pm
You show dogs but you don't know how to keep dogs from mating? Keep them completely separated for now until you can get your female spayed. That's for when a female is in heat though.

Is your dog in heat? She shouldn't be at 5 months. I can't imagine you're showing your male if you don't know this stuff so get him fixed too.
2013-12-07 4:24 pm
Dogs aren't selective - if there's a b*tch in heat, he'll mate her. Keep them separate, have her spayed - easy solution.
2013-12-07 4:35 pm
You SEPARATE them when she comes into heat.

If your dog is a show dog then you and your family should know that any dog will mate with any other including other breeds !!!

Just separate when necessary. To allow her to get pregnant on a first heat cycle could kill her anyway.
2013-12-07 4:24 pm
You keep them separated when she is in heat. Females will let ANY male mate with them when they are in heat and receptive. Really? You show dogs, and have tons of dog people and breeders to talk to, and you dont know this one?
2013-12-07 4:29 pm
If you are going to keep intact animals you need to learn some BASIC canine biology. Humping is NOT primarily sexual - it can indicate excitement, arousal, dominance, and a host of other non-sexual things. As a behavior it is controlled like any other - correct it consistently if you don't want to see it and it will stop.

Sexual mating ONLY takes place when the female is in heat - and even then only while she is in standing heat. All you need to do is (1) know the signs of her coming into heat and (2) keep a double-layer of security between them for a full 3 weeks after the first discharge is noticed. So buy a crate and put it in a room with a securely closing door, take her out on a leash only and only when he is secured elsewhere, etc, this must be done twice a year for three weeks until she is fixed.
2013-12-07 4:28 pm
When she goes in to heat, she won't care what dog mates with her. She'll eventually stand for any dog. She is nearing heat age so if you plan on waiting for her to mature more before spaying, you NEED to be vigilant in watching her for signs of her heat. They are easier to miss in large dogs.

When she does go in to heat, you will need to board your dog (the male) or have him stay with a friend. Easier than finding someone to take her (most places won't, for obvious reasons.) He'll have to be gone for the full three to four weeks that she is in heat.

Having them in the same house will be CHAOS and inevitably someone will do something wrong and your b*tch will become pregnant and will need an emergency spay because she is no where near ready (physically or mentally) to whelp and care for a litter.

Or you can just spay her now. But i know a lot of breeders and large breed owners don't like to spay or neuter before physical maturity. I can respect that. Respect flies out the window when you have multiple unfixed dogs and don't bother to take the steps to prevent mating (which really isn't as hard as some make it out to be) and just expect it not to happen. No such thing as an "oops" litter, IMO.

Anyways, good luck with whichever you decide to do.
2013-12-07 6:01 pm
You keep them separated when she is in heat. Schedule her to be spayed in the next few months. He WILL breed with her if she comes in heat. Any one with a "show" dog, knows how to handle a male and female. So I doubt if your dog really is a show dog.

Neuter him after she is spayed.
2013-12-07 5:40 pm
They will mate the first chance they get. As soon as she goes into heat, your male dog will go crazy to get to her. Get her fixed now.
2013-12-07 7:58 pm
PABS is a doggy chastity belt I use it for my dog look it up works great wont hurt either dog
2013-12-07 4:23 pm
Take them to a Church for confession and repentance.. :D
2013-12-07 4:26 pm
It's wrong to get the GSD fixed until she has seen her second season then 10 weeks later get her operation out of the way, surely you can watch a dog for 12 days, once the bleeding stops that's the time the dog is waiting for so put him in a kennel for that time because you don't want a pup having pups. You can't spay the ***** because you could stunt her growth, do you care that much about showing a 6 year old or do you care about both your pets. Shows are soon forgotten the death of a ***** whelping is one you can never come to terms with.
參考: Animal mad

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