請教英文過去式用法( wanted )

2013-12-07 10:25 pm
Additional Details
Add your own opinion not what you think is right. You see I'm Korean but I like both races. It's just that a few of my friends were arguing about this and "I wanted to" find out what other people thought about this.

回答 (3)

2013-12-07 10:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
不為什麼,只因為「我想要」的這個動作係發生在過去啊。也就是正當「我的一些朋友正在爭論這個議題」(a few of my friends WERE arguing…)的時候。
2013-12-08 2:44 am
動詞用過去式I wanted ...,表示我以前才想要,但現在己經不需要了。
2013-12-07 11:57 pm
參考: English teacher

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