Is it okay for my boyfriend to hang out with his female friend?

2013-12-06 5:50 pm
My boyfriend has been friends with this married couple for a few years. He hangs out with the girl sometimes alone and I get jealous ;( I met her once and she didn't even care to get to know me. She just stood there.... Should I be concerned or no? I told him I wouldn't feel comfortable with him hanging her with alone and he got butthurt and said "why, are you jealous?!" I said no and left it alone..

回答 (6)

2013-12-06 5:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well, I would tell him the truth that you are jealous! She very well may like him a bit, but he may like her a bit too if he got defensive when you asked him not to hang out with her. I would talk to him about it, and let him know how you actually feel and why you'd rather him not spend time alone with her. I hang out with friends that are girls every now and again alone, but I always let my girlfriend know what I'm doing and where I am, and if possible will hang out with them in a group as well.

There may be reason for concern, but the only way to really know is to talk to him about it. Don't go all surveillance on him, because you have to trust he doesn't want to do anything and won't with her. If you don't trust him, you may want to re-evaluate where your relationship is going, as trust is necessary!

Just how I see it, I don't know either party so can't say for sure ;) Good luck!
2013-12-06 5:51 pm
She may want him but he doesn't want her.
From what you told me this seems the case.
2013-12-06 5:58 pm
I find it a little disturbing that she doesn't care to get to know you. Usually friends want to get to know each other's friends if everyone was just on friendly terms, unless she wants him all to herself. It seems to bother you so I would talk to your boyfriend and see what he says. And you are jealous, why not admit it? It doesn't make you crazy or any less of a person. In fact, it shows that you care about him.

Before you talk to him though, I would advise that you decide what you can allow and not allow. If him hanging alone with other girls really bothers you, then draw the line. If he says that he doesn't care or that he's still going to hang out with her, then you know where his priorities stand and it is not with you. Time to leave him and find greener pastures.
2013-12-06 5:56 pm
No ! He should not hangout with his female friend! Thats why he has you. Its wrong, tell him how u feel..
2013-12-06 5:54 pm
Don't tell him what to do, he is his own person. If you do not trust him then leave him.
2013-12-06 5:55 pm
he can hang out with female friends

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