
2013-12-06 11:52 am

回答 (7)

2013-12-06 2:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I cannot help myself from telling you how grateful I am that the person who has been staying closely alongside me in the past 545 days has been you.

Without you, I would not have realised the pain and betrayal I had faced have become a line today that draws us together, giving us the opportunity to love and care each other.

2013-12-06 06:52:03 補充:
[giving us the opportunity to] -> [letting us]
2013-12-07 9:27 am
"H-o-l-y c-o-w!"

一年零三個月 =
1. ~ three months
2. ~ 545 days
3. ~ one and a quarter year
4. ~ 1 1/2 yr
2013-12-06 10:13 pm
How do you do after my outdo to our pursue thro--a love poem:----
How grateful Tn I am in telling you
The closely staying 1 1/2 yr virtu has been you
Or those suffering betrayal before you once I had ooh
Have realized you&Tn to capture our pursue thro
Fully fate, fully love, fully you. Tn
2013-12-06 6:39 pm
你的問題其實因為源自你的中文句法本身並不是簡單句式,因此google那種字詞翻譯邏輯不無法處理的,就算中文人腦理解這段文字也不是正常的中文句式,別人的譯法雖然有不合文法和意思的不多評了。你這是作新詩的心情,因此試用轉為英文新詩來寫吧(請留意不會是排字句對等的譯法-而是用意會和感受你的語氣來寫): It is you, I thank you, for being close to me for the past one and a quarter year. You have let me to realize, those painful infidelity experience I had in the past have led me be able to accept fate and fall in love with you now. 由於英文版亦是不太合文理的複雜句式,請不要google翻譯驗證。
2013-12-06 12:48 pm

2013-12-06 04:50:50 補充:
"and because of you, I can realized that all the suffering and betrayal in the past transformed to the opportunity that links us together in love now."
2013-12-06 12:34 pm

2013-12-10 04:55:45 補充:
2013-12-06 12:15 pm
I am grateful that you had been with me for the past threemonths. I realized that the pain andbetrayal we had experienced previously had turned into a mutual loving affinityat the present time. The change wasentirely because of your existence.

2013-12-06 04:16:28 補充:
I want to change the last sentence to the following:
The change was entirely due to your existence in my life.

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