Why are people being willfully ignorant when it comes to the Affordable Care Act?

2013-12-05 4:41 pm
There is plenty of valid information out there on the law yet people want to ignore basic facts and continue to believe the lies put out by those who stand to lose profits.

It is easier to believe the nonsense like microchipping, euthanizing old people, IRS invading peoples homes, government having access to individuals banking accounts, the list goes on and on!

Here is a tip..... if you hear something about the ACA that makes you angry or scared... its more than likely not true!

The highest form of ignorance is rejecting something you know nothing about. Don't be ignorant and get informed!!!

回答 (8)

2013-12-05 4:43 pm
The key words in your post are "angry" and "scared." Most cons are in one of these two states, and their right-wing propaganda machine encourages those feelings every day with every story.

When humans are scared or angry, they don't make good decisions and they don't behave rationally. And they definitely DON'T fact-check.
2013-12-05 4:46 pm
Yeah, you don't have to get into that nonsense to see what a horrible idea this is, you're right.

"if you hear something about the ACA that makes you angry or scared... its more than likely not true!"

Yeah I'm scared of how much debt it's putting us in, and that's definitely true, no matter how you want to spin it, sorry.
2013-12-05 4:46 pm
Well said. Very well said.

I find myself often saying something along these lines - "if it arrived in your email and is shocking or outrageous, it most likely isn't true." Then I send along the snopes or factcheck link for proof. Then I get ignored.
2013-12-05 4:57 pm
Millions of dollars are SADLY being pumped by Republicans to "anger and scare " people! Just like right after 9/11 you felt like the Republicans were terrorizing us by playing on our fears over and over with their color system and lies about Weapons of mass destruction!

I don't completely understand why they are doing it? I thought the fact that Obama is letting private companies profit off of this - would make them happy ( it was Romney care essentially) but instead they are working triple time to try to destroy it!

I guess this is the price we pay for freedom of speech! I have no problem with them expressing their opinions except the commercials they run that they are so darn deceptive ! I also wonder if Missouri and Texas they are violating free speech by blocking ACA Navigators from being able to talk about health care plans? ! :(

2013-12-05 7:20 pm
Angry/scared is STANDARD OPERATING procedure for the GOP, no matter what the issue. And personally, I believe it all comes down to funding from big corporations... ie insurance, and oil. Both stand to lose profits by alternate regulations or taxes. So the means is psychological maneuverings.
2013-12-05 5:40 pm
I think you should try to understand the real crime of the ACA. The real crime is that it further subsidizes the baby boomers after decades of no fiscal restraint. The cost savings are for the elderly at the expense of the young. This didn't control costs, it simply normalized them.
2013-12-05 4:47 pm
Kind of hard to get informed when the web-site STILL doesn't work, the chat line people there refer you to the 800 #, and the 800# people read from a script which basically answers every question the same way..."please be patient, we are working on this problem".
2013-12-05 4:48 pm
Because that's typical liberal behavior. Even after all the claims made about how great the scam was going to be have been proven to be lies.. liberals still believe whatever their puppet masters tell them.

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