
2013-12-06 3:39 am
有冇生物係唔可以對刺激產生反應?(=respond to stimuli)
1.需要食物 need food
2.動 move
3.繁殖 reproduce
4.呼吸 breathe
5. 排泄excrete
6. 生長 grow

回答 (3)

2013-12-07 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
參考: 自己
2013-12-12 6:06 am
0. all organisms can respond to stimuli

1. all organisms need food

2. sessile orgs(include sponges, anemones, corals, barnacles, and sea squirts)

3.Infertile (sterile) animals and homosexual animals (Mules, the mixture of a horse and a donkey are sterile at birth and cannot reproduce)

4. all organisms need to breathe

5. all organisms need to excrete

6. all organisms need to grow
參考: ME
2013-12-06 8:44 am
All you listed are required in identifying an organism as living or not. None of them can be omitted.

Any organism satisfying all of the seven requirements is classified as living.

2013-12-11 11:08:01 補充:
生物应有上述7 种基本功能,不是六种

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