
2013-12-06 1:40 am
Hi, Mary, I am Steven. I have ordered the ten products.

想問問大家上邊句子既tense 用得岩唔岩呀,我唔米太肯定。

回答 (3)

2013-12-06 8:09 pm

Hi, Mary, I am Steven who have ordered the ten products { }.

假如是真實的話{ }位置最好附加on日期或with訂單編號等資料
2013-12-06 12:23 pm
I would rephrase it like the following:
Hi Mary, I am Steven. I have ordered ten each of the products you needed. (I would assume that there is something more after the term "products").
2013-12-06 7:03 am
1. Mary後面要full stop (.)
2. 如果係對話(面對面/手機),唔使用present perfect,所以唔使要have
3. the 字唔使要(如果ten products係解10件貨而唔係專有名詞)
參考: me

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