
2013-12-06 7:21 am


我這裡的「血緣關係」指的是兄弟姊妹和表兄弟姊妹。我不知道應該用blood relationship 還是kinship比較好。

還有,「把您從對的一方,引導至錯的一方」可以翻成teach you from right to wrong嗎?


回答 (5)

2013-12-06 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
genetically related
biological related

"kinship" means "a family relationship", including relationships caused either by marriage or by genes. So "kinship" does not equal "血緣關係." For example, people's next of kin can be their spouses or in-laws; however, they have nothing to do with their spouses in terms of blood relation.

As far as "blood relationship" is concerned, from the word used, we might be able to understand what it is, but how can blood have relationship. After all, "relationship" is for two or more people, groups, countries.

「把您從對的一方,引導至錯的一方」可以翻成teach you from right to wrong嗎?

I think it might be better to say:

lead (direct) you from right to wrong

2013-12-06 08:24:02 補充:
People used to say, "Is it a red- or yellow- flesh melon" Maybe, melon doesn't have blood, but it still have "red-flesh".
2013-12-06 4:27 pm
謝謝jose! 您的英譯很棒。同時也讓我學到了consanguinity 這個字。

也謝謝prisoner 26535. 原來,英文也有「血濃於水」的說法。還有,blood kin對我而言也是個新字。


2013-12-06 08:32:05 補充:
Oh, I see. DaSaGwa is a red-flesh one.

剛剛PO出意見004時,還沒看到red-flesh melon 的發言。因此,我只「祝福兩位」。現在要改成「祝福三位」
2013-12-06 11:20 am
Blood is no thicker than water. Many times, deceptions by blood kin are much more deadly.

還是阿瓜比較好 她只有汁 沒有血
2013-12-06 10:37 am
Consanguinity doesn’t always mean loyalty. 血緣關係並不代表忠誠。
They (relatives) may mislead you; 親戚比朋友更容易把您從對的一方,引導至錯的一方
and their perspective may not put your interest first. 原因是親戚的立場並不中立。
2013-12-06 7:25 am


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