How likely is a girl to get pregnant?

2013-12-04 1:33 pm
So me and the girl im with have done it three times, no protection and no pull out, she is about two to three weeks away from her last period but had random ones, and so i was wondering how likeley that is to happen??

回答 (4)

2013-12-04 1:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
These question had been asked in yahoo a lot of time. If you do not wear protection, there is no way to calculate weather she will be pregnant. Just keep you finger crossed and WEAR PROTECTION NEXT TIME.
2013-12-04 10:03 pm
Given that you are evidently very young and very ignorant, why are you trying to have a baby?
2013-12-04 9:46 pm
Getting PG is a life-changer. Use protection -- no matter when with a young person. Pills, if not anything else.
2013-12-04 9:36 pm
There are only a few days in the month that she ovulates and has a possibility of getting pregnant. However, if you continue this activity without protection she is likely to get pregnant in the near future.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 16:16:59
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