Mother cat's aggressive behavior towards 4-month-old kittens?

2013-12-04 8:56 am
My cat has been having aggressive behavior towards her 4-month-old kittens. Whenever they approach her, she would start hissing, growling and even attacking them. I know this is her way of telling her kittens that they need to develop independence and leave her, but the problem is that our family intend to keep two of the kittens (and will send the rest of them to their loving new home in near future). The mother cat is currently in heat again (and yes, it's our fault that we haven't taken her to get sprayed yet but we are planning to do so as soon as possible). So my questions are: 1. Is it likely that her aggressive behavior would stop or improve once she is sprayed? 2. Is it possible for us to keep her and her two kittens in the same house without her attacking them? 3. is there anything we can do to help them get along? Thank you very much!

回答 (5)

2016-08-22 12:39 pm
Thank you! extremely valuable information and it offers me better knowledge on the subject
2013-12-04 11:45 am
Get her spayed, and the kittens you intend to keep as well. Nature is telling her to drive off her current kittens so that she can breed again. The longer you allow her to remain unspayed, the more likely she's going to develop a real and permanent dislike for the kittens. Cats don't have the same significance to someone being a family member that we humans do - to you they are her babies, but to her they are just cats that she wants to drive off. It's really important that you get her spayed now, and not wait. And yes, she can be spayed while in heat.
參考: many years of cat rescue
2013-12-04 9:10 am
My rescue mother cat did this when her kittens were a little over 3 months old. She came into heat and started driving her kittens away from her the same way your cat did and for the same reasons. I had her spayed and now the kittens are 4 months old and she now has a new, more casual friendly relationship with them.
2013-12-04 9:09 am
They don't need her anymore, she is probably about to go into heat again. Once the kittens reach the age of eating and drinking on their own, the mother withdrawals herself from them. It's normal, but confusing for the babies and the owner as well. Cats aren't social animals once their older, with the exception of liking their owner. Cats are complicated animals :)
She will likely act the same towards the kittens after being spayed, they need to stay away from each other in order for her not to attack them and they'll learn to deal with each other.
參考: I've had several cats have kittens
2013-12-04 9:02 am
Spay her asap. There should be no problem keeping the kittens. Would you want to breast feed a 3 year old (pet years.) Neither does she. There is a time when the kids need to leave the roost.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 14:36:28
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