Excel 公式問題

2013-12-05 7:32 am
1) This question ask you to input seconds in Cell B2. The seconds will be converted in hours, minutes and seconds stored in CellA4, Cell B4 and Cell C4 respectively.
Enter formula and functions in following cells.

Hint: MOD() and QUOTIENT()

Seconds : 5000 計以下3樣
Hour Minutes Seconds

2) display the number of absent students in term test
3)shows whether the student has his average mark of core subjects below 50.
4)I2 shows whether one of core subjects taken by a student is below 40 marks.

以上問題請話比我知係用邊條式計出黎, 詳細

回答 (2)

2013-12-05 6:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. B2 = 5000
A4: =quotient(B2,3600)
B4: =quotient(B2-3600*A4,60)
C4: =5000-A4*3600-B4*60

2. 呢個你用咩criteria 定個Student 係咪absent 先... 某個column store 住D 資料? 如果係既: =countif(<range>,"absent")
<range> 填番資料個range, 好似例如B:B = column B

3. =<cell> <50
<cell> 填番邊個cell store 住student 既分... 然後copy 個cell去 成個column

4. if(or(<cell1> <40,<cell2> <40,.....),true,false)
2013-12-06 1:16 am
第2題個column 無store野, 空格, 咁應該打咩?
同埋第1,3,4 係excel到出唔到ans

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