Can I sue a club for not letting me in becuase what I'am wearing?

2013-12-03 7:40 pm
Ok. I have gone to clubs in houston. And before I leave the house I always go online to see if they have a dress code. I also look at the photos on there website to see what people are wearing . It really makes Me mad because I have gone to a few . Where I go in a nice pear jeans and a nice v neck shirt nonthing ghetto. And they say I can't get in cause I have to wear a collar shirt . So i go home and change and when I Come in I see a few people without collared shirts. On top of that on there website images some guys are in T shirts. Not being concidve I am a very muscular guy and it shows when I wear a v neck shirt or regular shirt . To me It sounds like the club is stereo typing. ?

回答 (4)

2013-12-03 7:43 pm
The club is private owned property, just like your house. You can decide who you want in your house and they can legally decide who they want in their club. They could legally say they don't like the way you comb your hair or any other reason or no reason at all and deny you entrance.

You have no basis for a law suit. All you can do is spend your money somewhere else and encourage your friends to spend their money someplace else.
參考: rc
2013-12-03 7:41 pm
Of course they can. It's THEIR club and THEY - not you - get to set the rules. When you grow up you can start your own club and set your own rules.
2013-12-03 7:58 pm
No. This has been going on for a very long time. When I was young we went clubbing and I couldn't get into Black Angus because I wasn't wearing a collar. We'd go there dressed far more casually during the day for problem. But because there was so many people on weekends in the bar and eating out they had a dress code. They can serve or not serve anyone they want. It's upsetting to be turned down but nothing to do but dress better next time.
2013-12-03 7:49 pm
Can I sue you if you don't let me into your house?

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