When is a CUT, not a CUT ? UK please?

2013-12-03 2:29 pm
The Big six Energy Companies will knock off £50 of a planned increase, after the so called "deal" with the Government. However we still have to pay the difference of £70.
And who will pay for this "generous" handout ? Yes you have guessed it....you and me, the Taxpayers.

What do you think should have been done under the circumstances ? Why not take away the VAT from our Energy Bills ?

Alan..I fully agree with what you have said. One point I would like to make, regarding the VAT. If you take the 5% and the Standing charges into account, you will be talking of something like £19 per month off the bills. So the way I see it, the Government are playing their usual game and treat us for the mugs we are. Thanks for your answer.


Lord B.. I call it political window dressing and I agree with you.


Sweat Pea.. how bloody right you are. I was hoping for an answer from you. I see the latest from Baroness Rawlings (Tory Peer) saying that we should buy electric blankets to keep warm. This from another muppet who gets her energy free from the Taxpayers.

回答 (4)

2013-12-04 1:40 pm
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It's called hypocrisy. If they stopped paying subsidies to the greedy landowners for wind farms and solar farms then we would all be much better off tax wise and energy price wise. Oh I forgot they can't do that as Cameron's Father-in-Law earns £7000 a week from the subsidies for the wind farm on his land and Clegg's Wife is a Director of the Spanish company that produces them. I have always said that there should be no VAT on energy bills. Elderly people are costing the NHS millions each winter because they can't afford to heat their homes properly which doesn't make economic sense. I think you and I should be running this country Mr Grumpy lol.
2013-12-04 3:32 am
Im going to fit a log burner in my home and they can stick their Gas up their @ss, what really makes me laugh is how these scumbag politicians are trying to tell us that fracking is the answer and will bring us cheap energy --------- heard that shite before when they discovered north sea oil, they lied then as well.

These disgusting wretches are getting fatter and richer while the rest of us get poorer freeze and starve.
2013-12-04 1:01 am
It feels a little limp wristed to me OG it looks like Cameron is trying to appease the electorate ahead of the general election 2015. But this is an insult to the electorate. I would remove the VAT and renationalise the energy companies to keep tariffs in check. The public seem to agree with me
2013-12-04 12:03 am
VAT on energy bills is only 5%, and although that would still make a difference, it would not be that great. You are right though, the decrease of £50 only offsets the huge rise the energy companies have announced, and we still have to foot the bill, directly or indirectly without any penalty on the energy supplier. So they get their money, come what may. Selling the utility companies was the saddest thing Thatcher ever did. Since then it has been a free for all and the British public have taken it on the chin every year with massive price hike after massive price hike. Where will it all end? I can just see it now, people will be unblocking their chimneys and chopping up the furniture to keep warm this winter. At least some of those still with an open fire place to hand. For the rest, we will confine ourselves to one room and hope that we get a new duvet for Christmas. Perhaps medical science will find something that will allow humans to hibernate throughout the Winter months. Don't you just envy those bears?

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