[英文] 英文gammer

2013-12-04 6:48 am

simple present tense什麼時候用BE 什麼時候用 do

為什麼是He usually doesn't do his homework.
  不是He usually isn't do his homework.

為什么是You don't like chocolate.

  不是You aren't like chocolate


回答 (4)

2013-12-04 6:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
do, does, did 基本上有三種用法
1. 做 main verb,
. I do my homework.
He does his homework.

2. 用來做 auxiliary verb (助動詞), 轉否定句子, 問題
Hr does not like chocolate. ~否定句子
Does he like chocolate? ~ 問題

3. 還用來做 emphasis (加強語氣)
I do like chocolate. (do 字在這句子, 用來加強語氣)

Be 可做 main verb 或 auxiliary verb
Be 的 form 有 am, is, are, was, were
1.做 main verb 是做 linking verb (連系動詞)
You are happy.
She is a teacher.

2. 做 auxiliary verb (助動詞), 組成 continuous tense
be + verb -ing
He is doing his homework ~ present continuous tense
She was crying. ~ past continuous tense

present simple tense句子轉否定句子

要知道 subject (主語) 是第一者, 第二者 或 第三者, 同時知道是 singular (單數) 或 plural (複數)

He, She, It, Mr. Lee, girl, dog, teacher, table … (第三者單數)

如果 subject (主語) 是第三者單數, 轉否定句子, 首先要加上 does not, 將原本的 main verb, 轉回 basic form (例如 does 轉回 do, goes 轉回 go)

He does his homework. -.> He does not do his homework.
He likes chocolate. -.> He does not like chocolate. (注意 likes 轉回 like)
Peter does his homework. -.> Peter does not do his homework.
The girl does her homework. -.> The girl does not do her homework.

其他的 first person, second person, third person plural, 只加上 do not

The girls do their homework. -.> The girls do not do their homework.
Girls 是第三者複數

continuous tense 轉否定句子, 比較簡單, 不論第幾者, 只加上 not
I was doing my homework. -.> I was not doing my homework. (past continuous)
He is doing his homework. -.> He is not doing his homework. (present continuous)

使用 linking verb, 轉否定句子, 只加上 not
I am happy. -.> I am not happy
He is a teacher. -.> He is not a teacher.
The girl was happy. -.> The girl was not happy.

小心第三者單數轉去問題 (question)
He does his homework. -.> Does he do his homework?
The girl does her homework. -.> Does the girl do her homework?

You don't like chocolate. = 你不喜歡朱古力 (like 是 verb, 解喜歡)

You aren't like chocolate = 你不似朱古力
(like 是 adjective, 解相似, are 是 linking verb)

2013-12-04 10:20:20 補充:
不是 gammer, 是 grammar

小心 spelling (拼字)
2013-12-05 1:42 am

2013-12-04 8:11 pm

He usually isn't do his homework.
當中的is/isn"t其實是present continuous tense中的那個is doing的is
He usually isn't doing his homework after lunch.變為一句現在進行式的表達那好像你在一直旁觀住他全日的過程而描述一段時間延續中的評語。

You aren't like chocolate
當然不對,因為like chocolate這like並不是you/主體的本質而是行為。
I ain't like chocolate.
You ain't like chocolate.

你「係」點/做/想 - 這輔助詞而想像為所有意思都應該係is
2013-12-04 7:08 am
i want to know this also!

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