How to Transfer a Car Title From California to Nevada?

2013-12-03 7:09 am
I'm now living in California, and I will purchase a car in short time in California. Meanwhile, I will move to Nevada in January. For the car I will purchase is that means I need two registration? In CA and in NV?

So, how about the insurance, I'll need to get a whole new one or just change my address?

回答 (3)

2013-12-03 7:14 am
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No, take your registration to NV with you to the Department of Motor Vehicles and transfer the registration to NV. If you have the title and it's not financed, then take your title also and they will issue you a NV title.
2013-12-03 8:26 am
when you get to NV you will take the car and the title to the DMV. you will need to get the car smog checked to get it registered. nevada requires that the car be insured by a co. based in nevada, so the insurance you had in CA will not be accepted.
2013-12-03 7:22 am
If you will stay in Nevada ,then you need change the license plate to the NV plate ,So just go to NV DMV and replace the registration form to state of the NV .Go to DMV there are some form by the entry see which one will accrue to your request then just fill it and give it to register .Registration does not do any thing with car titles and you just will register your car to state of the NV .

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:08:18
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