Why do men find me intimidating?

2013-12-03 6:44 am
I have always felt this way since I was a young girl (tween years even now as an adult) that I have scared off men that I've really liked. Is it because I know what I want as a women? Are they afraid of someone who really loves them for who the are? Anybody care to share their thoughts on this or something they themselves have been through whether you're a man or woman. I'd love to see different responses.

回答 (8)

2013-12-03 6:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's not necessary that what we feel is always a bullseye u can be wrong and just if some guys are not comfortable around you it doesn't mean what u think is true some men fear strong willed women but others can't live with a woman except if she's a solid strong willed honest person
參考: Personal experience
2013-12-03 7:33 am
I'm far from intimidated
2013-12-03 6:47 am
Men are intimidated my attractive females that know what they want.
In my opinion anyways
2016-03-10 11:16 am
I asked a similar question to this not too long ago. From my experience, the answer is yes and no. I have been in relationships where men are OK in the beginning but later claim they feel overshadowed by me or like I'm better them. However from first impressions it depends what the guy's intentions are. If they are looking for fun they will be intimidated and not be interested. If they are interested in actually holding a conversation with a girl who isn't brain dead (which is most girls now a days) then they won't be intimidated, they will glad they met you.
2013-12-03 6:46 am
Unless you are a psycho, have a bad disease or likes to point guns in guys faces, I have no idea why any guy should be afraid of you.
2013-12-03 6:45 am
Probably cause youre so attractive, thatd scare me 2 lol
2013-12-04 1:39 am
So, you are confident with gay men why don't you try one of them? There are many a convertable gays for lack of submissive pliable women!
2013-12-03 7:05 am
please read this posted question here,

guys aren't intimidated by women at all. if anything, women seem to be intimidated by guys since guys are always having to try to talk women into sex with them until they eventually say yes to it.

EDIT: whoever gave a thumbs down was wrong for doing so because i was right in what i said. if anything, I should've been given a thumbs up.

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